
POLITIK-BLOG/Union and AfD führen Parteienranking more an

POLITIK-BLOG/Union and AfD führen Parteienranking more an

DJ POLITIK-BLOG/Union and AfD führen Parteienranking weiter an

The overview in the Kurzmeldungen zu Entwicklungen, Ergebnissen and Einschätzungen around the Bundesdeutsche Politik:

Union und AfD führen Parteienranking weiter an

The RTL/ntv Trendbarometer is active on the Union with 30 percent of the strongest Kraft, followed by the AfD with 17 percent, the SPD with 15, the Grünen with 11, BSW with 7, the FDP with 5 and the Linke who Prozent is active on 3. Anyone who has more experience with RTL will benefit from the head-to-head running of German Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) and CDU chief Friedrich Merz. Both were of the Wählern 27 Prozent der Stimmen erhalten, könnten sie de Kanzler directly wählen. 46 Prozent, 2 Prozentpunkte more as in the Vorwoche, würden sich für keinen of both separated. When a Bundestagswahl offers the German AfD more incentives, the Bundestagswahl and these can be used at the diesjährige Landtagswahlen in the third German Bundesländern that become the strongest Kraft paper. 69 Consider all the concerns that this Entwicklung will be sorgniserregend.

Union erhöht zum Haushalt Druck auf Ampel

The view of the treatise of the Ampel-Koalition is that the House of Representatives drops the Union de Druck on the Koalition. “Die Zeit urgentt”, said the Vorsitzende des Bundestags-Haushaltsausschusses, Helge Braun (CDU), der Rheinischen Post. If the Haushaltsausschuss seine would be a sin, the Federal Government must carry out for the Zuleitung and the Bundestag “a financial series of financing for the Haushaltsloch-vorlegen”. Braun ergänzte: “Seriously heißt, no new trick for this kind of debt burden on the debt burden will be found, without the seriousness of the enormous debts of the State that are beyond it.” The Verfassungsgericht has proven Haushaltstricks a single Absage. “Man muss Scholz wohl remembern: There and all ministers have sworn in their office, they will observe and defend the Constitution of the Bundes.”

Jenas FDP Mayor has distanced himself from Auto-Plan

Jenas Mayor Thomas Nitzsche (FDP) participated with Auto-Plan ships in the distance and cost loss in the park in Innenstädten. “My soul is that car drivers who come to Jena can drive all in the parking houses and deep garages”, said Nitzsche in the mirror. “There are 20,000 commuters, the day to Jena come. But the cars rolling in the inner city can no longer see, the wind will shift. Life value would be an inner city, when cars are not on the road”, said Nitzsche. The parks in deep garages and parking houses only in Jena in the comparison will remain, without cost-free, the parks in the street. “Gleichzeitig wollen wir den öffentlichen Personennahverkehr ausbauen und Radfahrer and fußgänger massiv stärken.” An Oberbürgermeister wants to be a part of life.

Dobrindt: Green ermöglichen Rechtsbruch an den Grenzen

In response to the breakthrough after the abolition of cross-border roles, CSU regional group leader Alexander Dobrindt has taken up the green-lacking reality and the negotiation of illegal einwanderung-vorgefen. “The Greens are denying the reality of illegal migration and want mass rights and our borders are still unpleasant,” says Dobrindt from the Augsburg Allgemeinen. There is a reaction to a short attack from the Green political core and the EU Commission, while Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD) has received criticism of the internal border controls. “The Greens’ struggle against border control says: The Greens do not want to confront illegal einwandering into Germany, especially for it,” says Dobrindt. Once this happens, the controls should be “extended for a whole border period as a company that organizes illegal migration and organized work”.

Sportpolitiker voor rasch Konzepte für Olympia-Bewerbung

The overview of the German plant philosophy for the Olympic Games for sports policy is also important in the Konzepte von der Bundesregierung. Der Vize-Vorsitzende des Sportausschusses des Bundestages, Philip Krämer (Grüne), sagte der Rheinischen Post: “Wir haben insgesamt einen unglaublich großen Sanierungsbedarf – and the leader besonders in Breitensport. “Voraussetzung für Olympic Games in Deutschland see here, “that’s the Sportstätten infrastructure auf Vordermann brought the Nah- and Fernverkehr ausgebaut became and that the Ehrenamt and the Sportvereine were further stärkt”. The Union’s sports policy speaker, Stephan Mayer (CSU), stated: “It is an unerlässlich ist es, the Bevölkerung of a German Bewerbung zu überzeugen. Here no idea is yet recognisable, who the Federal Government and the DOSB die erreichen wollen.”

NRW sees the African Schweinepest for the Haustür

North Rhine-Westphalia is preparing for an Ausbruch der Afrikanischen Schweinepest (ASP) for. “The African Schweinepest started in front of our house in 2022,” said NRW Landwirtschaftsminister Silke Gorissen (CDU) of the Rheinischen Post. “Wir prepare us as it long gründlich darauf vor. Am Ende is a Ausbruch der Schweinepest in NRW leader keine Frage des Ob, sononder des Wann, denn that ASP is a high-quality Krankheit.” It is possible that it is an infizierte of Wildschwein in the Rhine, it goes further and then further after NRW was spült. Mistakes have been made in the management and processing of cars, car or maintenance work that has undergone and broken eight times. The country’s institutions have massively put their biosecurity data high on the agenda, reports the CDU police.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 13, 2024 08:21 ET (12:21 GMT)

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