
On the Urwaldsteig in Hesse

On the Urwaldsteig in Hesse

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On the Urwaldsteig in Hesse
On the way on the Urwaldsteig am Edersee: A number of couples are on the road during the ursprüngliche Natur. © Markus Balkow/Edersee Marketing GmbH/dpa-tmn

Was the man mistaken for a path through the Urwald in Namur? Our authorization was created and has not produced any miracles in nature.

Vöhl – Sure I’m not with you. There’s a war going on at the level of wieder verschunden. Is it a good idea to find the way you need?

“Unbelievably,” said Sven Bökenschmidt, when the guest manager of the Frage takes the seriousness. There is a fragment that has the level of a Schwanz hat or Pinselohren – typical Luchsmerkmale. If you go to war with the Schnelle, you can not recognize the largest amount of Bäumen and the Dickicht of Astgabel.

The Waldsteig is a name and a symbol in every fall of honor. The route that is covered in North Hesse, finds Kassel on a length of 70 kilometers a little in the Edersee.

Alte Buchen and Eichen await a fierce steep slope in the Kellerwald-Edersee National Park. It is a high road, the Wald-Wildnis-Erlebnis with beautiful views on the Lake connected, in the form of Bökenschmidt. “Der Urwaldsteig ist unser Aushängeschild und Zugpferd”, i.e. the Touristiker.

Unknown? Not always so easy

Only the logistics are a problem here. “With the accommodations it is not always quite easy,” said Bökenschmidt. No vacation destinations and no vacation in the vacation – and it is not that the southern part of the national park area is no longer and a camping holiday is no longer necessary for a night.

Edersee in Hesse
The Edersee will be in the great Stause in Germany. © Swen Pförtner/dpa/dpa-tmn

You can find here in the tourism management for a good travel organization for the Hol- and Bringservices during the guest geber. If the Urwaldsteig gemütlich wanders around, there is a plan for four stages: “We recommend the highest, the day tours are 15 to 18 kilometers long”, so the guest manager.

We are close to the Nordufers at 17 kilometers from Asel to Nieder-Werbe. The road is won at a high altitude, becomes narrower and steeper. “This is because blocks are 40 meters strong and naturally resistant to frost protection,” explains Bökenschmidt. The guest manager in geology gets promoted and can end up on the wall, a thing that comes and cannot be expected.

“The Hünselburg was a Celtic fliehburg”, says it. Damascus, for more than 2000 years, the region has completely disappeared. Once you are on the castle, with a view of a beautiful fluvial stream, then the first thing you have to wait for is hundreds of years. The Edersee has the largest reservoirs in Germany.

Bäume, Biker, Bäche and Beile

Urwald-Erlebnis und Kulturlandschaft is one of the people who play on a card that runs a long way through the Landschaft zu winden, Hand in Hand. That’s a day in the country, 15 kilometers away, and it’s near Hemfurth.

Eben noch hörte man nur Bachrauschen und Vogelgebwitscher, da jess vom her Motorräder durch den Wald, Musik wummert. The kurvenreiche Straße am Edersee sees Biker an. See in the Schloss Waldeck with its own Museum, which is the first method of punishing punishment – with Richtschwert, Richtbeil and nachgebauten Zellen.

Not far from the castle lies the Edertalsperre. 400 meters long, between 1908 and 1914 aimed, 1943 by British bombing and another year later by the time it took to blow up. It is a solid run of 200 million cubic meters of water, which can see the Trinkwasserverbouch Berlins abdecken for a year. One problem is that the whole world is concerned with the fact that it is not so that the large LED screens are displayed in a bright light.

The colossi of modern times are often no longer to be found in the forest and the wilderness, and among the castle hills there is a new Zubringer to Ziegenberg. “Stronger Steig”, mahnt ein Schild. The path of wild flowers and Brennnesseln, it is a tree trunk and water springs, where the vegetation expects itself in bushes and cart-sträuchern weight: The soft soil and the fresh pasture use in the Ziegenberg are here a little advantage – during the happiness in the water you can always again flash through the Edersee located below.

Bäume in the Kellerwald-Edersee National Park
The natural habitats of the Kellerwald-Edersee National Parks are part of the UNESCO World Heritage. © Heinrich Kowalski/Edersee Marketing GmbH/dpa-tmn

It is the Abwechslung, the Reiz of the Urwaldsteigs force – that is a German Tag, a dem es nach Asel-Süd geht. Quickly check out the Ausgangspunkt too, now see the others on the See, diesmal am Südufer.

Marvel of technology and nature

If it were a bit easier, the stage would go a short distance from the Standseilbahn von Hemfurth to Peterskopf – the wind on the 900 meter long stretch at 300 meters altitude. At the bottom of the road you will find the Fahrzeugführer-geschichte und -function of Pumpspeicherkraftwerke am Edersee, which is an unreliable Seilbahn liest and a which function at the Sicherung des Stromnetzes haben.

It is another technical masterpiece and a bold way of working in the Western Buchenwald of the high quality of the Kraftwerke. “Here we found new buildings – which were created to become UNESCO World Heritage Sites,” said Jochen Augustin. There is a holiday accommodation, the Hol- en Bringdienste bieten. A way in the electric car is the guest, where he can listen to other books for 350 years, so in the Bann-schlagen. “That is real life science.” In the National Park stehen vale davon, since 2011, German Forest Forest areas have been treated as Weltnaturerbe with four others.

In Buchenwald it is a green Halle with silver-colored säulen, which goes through the young years of Buchen, dies of its chance to become Wachsen. If you eat a salamander, you must take the trouble.

The moisture then comes in the sweat Part of this day’s stage, first from above with rain, then from below, when the shoe shop on Matsch was destroyed and one of the 500 or so springs in the National Park had to be converted. It is possible that the seltenen-banker in the flower wall of the blossoms is a lightbulb and the bench and the board of the small Asel-Fähre an escape. Fährmann Otto Wilhelmi may receive a prize (price: 1.65 Euro) and Kreuzfahrt-parodien, if there are a few farewell words that a microphone nuschelt imagine.

Atlantis in the Edersee

If the water level no longer exists, a bridge with four arches can be seen here. The most time of the years has always been among others, so who experiences the domination of the other destinations, is here one of the fixed values ​​and a higher situated couple who are aware. Memorial tables revolve around the see and a modern animation in the Besucherzentrum are within an hour Schicksal. The Bauwerke auf dem Seegrund markets the Tourismusgesellschaft under “Edersee-Atlantis”.

The four-day section takes 18 kilometres from Asel-Süd around the two last remaining lake loops to Asel, first through forest, then through a cultural landscape. If you see that it is a bit, the backpack has become such that the forest images gleichen and the asphalt is ermüdet. If Otto Wilhelmini’s journey were to make a one-way trip, he would leave this stage on the See-Umrundung.

Feuer's salamander on the Urwaldsteig am Edersee
Tierische Begegnung bij Wandern: a feuersalamander on the Urwaldsteig am Edersee. © Deike Uhtenwoldt/dpa-tmn

My way is spent at the end of the day so that I can enjoy the National Park Center Kellerwald, in the western light of the Edersees. High-tech technology is used here, in a 4D Sinneskino a man would be rested, dazed and happy. I film a wild cat through the years. In a display case I see another Katzenart, who cannot help with the start of the journey: “Und es war but der Luchs!”

Links, Tips, Practical

Directions: From the Zug über Kassel, Korbach to the Nationalparkbahnhof Herzhausen in the west of the Edersee, alternative bus connection in Korbach. Bei Anreise with the Pkw empfiehlt sich the free Parkplatz at Kraftwerk at Hemfurth at the eastern end of the Sees.

Best time to walk: May-October

Enjoy your night with your holiday and delivery service – Auswahl:

  • Asel: Ferienhaus Asel from 60 Euro/Night or Seminarzentrum Edersee from 38.50 Euro/Night
  • Nieder-Werbe: Flair Hotel Werbetal, Doppelzimmer from 138 Euro/Night, Einzelnutzung 89 Euro/Night
  • Hemfurth: Waldhotel Dornröschenshöh from 32 Euro person/night

To fly:

  • Asel-Süd bis Aselstein, Di-So. 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Erw. 3.40 Euro, Fahrrad: 1.65 Euro; on Zuruf: 0171 3601809
  • Scheid-Rehbach, May-August, 10:00 AM-6:00 PM Uhr (May-August), Erw. 3.50 Euro, after Bedarf,

Links: National Parks website (; Website of Urwaldsteigs mit Karte ( dpa