
Procter & Gamble – PG: That Pampers Deal Rocks With Grim Marks! >>> DIVIDENDS ARISTOCRAT !!!

Procter & Gamble – PG: That Pampers Deal Rocks With Grim Marks! >>> DIVIDENDS ARISTOCRAT !!!

Dividend Rises at 68 Years! Procter & Gamble Action with Pullback Setup!

Nächste Quartalszahlen am 29. October!

Procter & Gamble (PG) – ISIN US7427181091

Rückblick: Ein Halbjahresplus von knapp 6 Prozent klingt keineswegs überragend, der active Rücksetzer with the two-way test of the 50er-EMA and the Umkehrkerze am heutigen Montag weld the Procter-&-Gamble-Action that is attractive for a Long-Trade-erscheinen.

Procter-&-Gamble-Aktie: Chart vom 13.08.2024, Kürzel: PG Kurs: 167.29 USD, Tageschart Quelle: TWS

Mögliches bullisches Szenario

The information about the current tags would be interpreted as a clear Kaufsignal. The Procter-&-Gamble-Action can be noted in the Kürze wieder beim Allzeithoch vom Mittwoch last week. The coming Quartalszahlen am 29. October we will also be able to launch Swingtrade without storing.

Mögliches barisches Szenario

Check the course of these changes and you will be fine with a German warning signal, so we will keep your trade in mind, with Procter & Gamble offering attractive setups.


P&G is the global player in brand business and employs 108,000 workers as of 2024. The product portfolio consists of hair and head products in the areas of razors, prescription-free medicines and washing products up to its dressings and women’s hygiene products. The long-term profit and dividend distributions are stable, but the sollte is not more irritating, so that the profits no longer fall. The forecast for the years that the year will last, will take longer or take longer.

Quellennachweise, Mögliche Interessenskonflkeek, Meinung und sonstige Daten

  • Current Market Cap: USD 393.65 Billion
  • Durchschnittsvolumen der letzten 20 Tage: 1388 Mio. USD
  • My opinion on Procter & Gamble is bullish.
  • Quellennachweis:
  • Release date: 13.08.2024
  • Author: Thomas Canali

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