
Where people fell in RLP Krankenversicherungschutz fehlt

Where people fell in RLP Krankenversicherungschutz fehlt

It is a matter of an album: Keinen Arzt zu können, when man is sick or sogar schwer ist. Laut Schätzungen is the bitter reality for people in Rhineland-Palatinate.

It is an unjustified gründe. Häufig is affected by obdachlose. So who Witold Szczepanik. There is diabetes, in the follow-up study I need to know more that they have been amputated. During the illness, the Maurermeister lost his job, his living and his life on the road.

Ich fühle mich wie een person zweiter Wahl.

Although it is true that there is no change whatsoever in the future, it will take longer to spend a longer time. “I am happy with my own personal life”, reports from the 54 years in Poland, since fast 30 years in Germany.

Auch Steffen Kirsten from Mainz carried out an extensive Krankenversicherungschutz for eight years. Der 68-Jährige gelerte Kfz-Mechaniker verlor seinen Job nach der Wende, if his Betrieb was abgewickelt. Power power is another way to cook yourself, but the Aufträge Ausblieben. Plötzlich fehlte das Geld, een private-krankenversicherung zu bezahlen.

If a note is made of the country, when the Leistungen are extremely deleted, it is quickly eight years, zum Arzt zu gehen. “I don’t think I think like that, but come by like that. Who has a heart attack, with bald 69”, said Kirsten in the conversation with the SWR. Bilang hadte er gleücklicherweise no big problems.

Both Steffen Kirsten and Witold Szczepanik were robbed and dismantled from the Clearingstelle Krankenversicherung Rheinland-Pfalz in Mainz. Introducing the establishment through Zufall. Nele Wilk and a board help the people in the barren country, who have no or only a little extensive Krankenversicherungsschutz, “back into the system of the species”, says Wilk. “If it is good, it will be at the Antragstellung. If it is fair and clean, man will have a full Krankenversicherungsschutz.”

Nele Wilk von der Clearingstelle Krankenversicherung Rheinland-Pfalz in Mainz in a Beratungsgespräch.

Nele Wilk (left) from the Clearingstelle Krankenversicherung Rheinland-Pfalz in Mainz in a Beratungspräch.

Clearing station

Kirsten’s hat has been blown. If the Clearinghouse Help has a basic rate for private health insurance, the state business is like this, as long as there is basic security. “I’m totally tired of that.” After a few years it will be a bald spot if you do something else, “it’s always going to get worse and worse in the old age”, so the 68 years. If the country leaves the Antrage, there is a problem with the social system.

There are groups of people who ensure that the health insurance is maintained. It is so that the Beispiel Menschen, the outside world of the EU to Germany, supposedly wanders around and has no legal relationship. Then it is human, it is a legal paper here that is removed. It is impossible to switch off the medical system.

Who reports Nele Wilk, tells about Altersarmut a big Role. Who is with Steffen Kirsten, can not take a single step more. If you are aware of the fact that there is a “rough” problem, or if you have private insurances of the Notfall tariff, then know Wilk in your right not. If you often go home, it is no longer insured to be. Other people see that the Anträge auf Bürgergeld zu stellen, one of the Beitrags for a Krankenversicherung would be übernommen be.

A high degree of insecurity that was combated in the clinic or the practice, was anyway a treatment of the patient possible or the treatment of the patient or that of the patient. From Wilk’s point of view, the law is “very shaky formulated”. If the man is now busy examining and shaving things, these are discussed.

Offizielle Zahlen dazu, who has had many people in the country of the keine Krankenversicherung, beziehungsweise who have been affected by the long-term history of the disease, could have a SWR again the Rheinland-Pfälzische Gesundheitsministerium loved, nor the Spitzenverband der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung (GKV).

Running costs in the Rhineland-Palatinate could then reach a number of 20,000 people.

The Clearingstelle Rheinland-Pfalz has attracted 1,500 people over the years, and the Hilfe has been silent. “Wir gehen aber davon aus, that Dunkelziffer fell nor is higher, which not all Menschen unsere Stelle know”, says Wilk. Jeden Tag can cause new problems.

“Bundesweite Schätzungen gehen 1.5 Millionen Menschen are, who are in their situation, that they are intertwined with protections of their own, and runtergechnet in the Land Rheinland-Pfalz were with about 20,000 people .”


Das Café Haltepunkt in Trier is the Anlaufstelle for obdachlose Frauen

Let me have more cases by Raster
SKF Trier offers more support for sick, obdachlose women

The social service Katholischer Frauen in Trier will propose a concept to the sisters in the city and country to help the mentally ill become obedient. The problem has been solved.

Good Morning RLP

SWR1 Rhineland-Palatinate

The Mitarbeiter of the Clearingstelle accounts, those people, who are in a woolen health insurance, will no longer come out and will not be used legally. “Leader will go into a private health insurance system, the person will never be woolen again if he is admitted. Obwohl eine Pflicht besteht”, Wilk explains.

“Manchmal was as if directly wiped out, in the case of your fixed deposits not suitable.” If you use the clearing station with affected annotations, this is the desired basic rate. Once you have prepared yourself, it is a matter of half a year, while the deposits are suitable.

In the Clearingstelle Rheinland-Pfalz, which is protected by the country, it is 60 years ago that mankind began, however in the cycle insurance of its integration. Neben dem Standort in Mainz can also be found in Koblenz, Ludwigshafen and Kaiserslautern.

This is the way Medinetze is generated and the Malteser Medizin unterstützen in Deutschland Menschen ohne Krankenversicherung.