
Schweizer Botschaft in Singapore by Berrel Kräutler Architekten

Schweizer Botschaft in Singapore by Berrel Kräutler Architekten

Schweizer Botschaft in Singapore by Berrel Kräutler Architekten

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The new loaded roof of the Swiss Botschaft is an endladen gesture. © Khoo Guo Jie

In the northwest of Singapore, the Swiss Botschaft was established in 1984 as a flat bungalow in a park-like landscape. Quickly a half Jahrzehnt hat the Züricher Büro Berrel Kräutler the Filesgebäude saniert and erweitert. With my works council I was able to continue the Architekten 2019 in one of the next project activities.

The Swiss Botschaft is located in the Sanierung a legitimate Flachdach. © Khoo Guo Jie

Remediation and Renewal

A respectful representation of the file is reduced and a little lost by the foundation layers of the new pavilions. The ehemals that spring up Ecke des Daches are very, soda is a right and a little Flachdach über das Gebäude isstreckt. The Verschiebung der Buitenvoer is a meter that fits on a Verdriifachung der Grundfläche and a Vergrooterung der Konferenz- en Arbeitsräume.

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It is a new entrance with a separate doorway and a separate conference room. The new idea of ​​​​Bereich is a little bit bigger in the tropical green of the Außenraums. The access to the new main entrance is brighter and can dispel the offensive and transparency of the country symbols.

Translucent Trennwände im Innenraum, © Khoo Guo Jie

Workplace with a view in the beautiful Innenhof, © Khoo Guo Jie

Flying borders

During the modernization of the room programs, the entrance, the Wartebereich and the Cafeteria at Bedarf can be less connected and after a geöffnet become. The transparent display of glass fell light on the workplace and ermöglicht of all a click in the green image. While the processing of the inn and abroad is less good, this is a trade in a security zone. Dennoch is a clear structure of the Bereiche of the Pavillons: Customers and Mixing Zones, who Wartebereich and Cafeteria, if you find a part of the Gebäudes, where the Offices of the high Security Zone find a solution and compactly lie in the background.

Architecture: Berrel Kräutler Architects
Bauherr: Federal Office for Construction and Logistics BLL
Location: 1 Swiss Club Link, Singapore (SG)

Tragwerksplanung: Dr. Cousins ​​Kostic
Landschaftsarchitektur: ORT AG for Landschaftsarchitektur
Construction: Kuster + Partner
TGA-Planung: Ingenieurbüro Brügger
Electrical planning: Mettler + Partner
Lighting planning: Saturday design
Construction company: TSF

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