
Asiatische Hornisse breitet sich weiter aus

Asiatische Hornisse breitet sich weiter aus

MAINTAL/ERBACH. You can stay here even if you never want to, and if Eindringling absolutely does not want to come: that Asian Hornisse. Hundreds of nests of large numbers of insects have been present in Hesse since many years, and the Main Kinzig District is concerned. In Maintal-Hochstadt, the Ostasien eingewanderte Art bereits voor – it is first kürzlich a Nest entfernt become.

For our own home environment, the Asian Horn is a major problem: They are freshest Wespen and Honigbienen and are always happier in Hesse. The European Hornisse is always seltener nowadays and is especially strict about it. With the Asian variant that is a serious environment, it is usually more aggressive, and we are used to having a nest next to it.

Wer ein Nest der Asian Hornisse entdeckt, sollte das dem Hessischen Landesamt für Naturschutz, Umwelt und Geologie report, damit es achrecht entfernt were kann. Eine weitere Ausbreitung auch in den Odenwaldkreis wird dieses Jahr erwartet.