
Engelke and Pastewka as (fast) perfect Liebespaar

Engelke and Pastewka as (fast) perfect Liebespaar

Anke Engelke and Bastian Pastewka have been friends for many years and have often lived together: In the legendary “Wochenshow” sketches, as the Volksmusik duo Wolfgang and Anneliese or in the format “LOL: Last One Laughing”. A common series does not go further than that.

Perfect Couple findet nicht zueinander

During the Donnerstag (15 August) “Perfekt verpasst” started on Streaming-Anbieter Prime. Darin spiel de guten Freunde Engelke und Pastewka a few lies – beziehungsweise a prevents.

While Maria, a bookshop owner, and Ralf, the owner of a sports club, meet in the small town (in the cinematic bilang not before in Marburg) and have such a great experience, they can’t even be like that. Then they are – that is clear in every scene – completely reconfigured together.

It is a Falschparker and Katzenpflaster

In the eighth comedy series it is a “Best immunity and fall, a Rache and Vergebung, a Freundschaften and Wutanfälle, a Falschparker and Katzenpflaster, and: a new Sehnsucht after a Happy End”, how the production company btf (bildundtonfabrik) could work.

Neben Engelke and Pastewka include Fritzi Haberlandt, Edin Hasanovic, Peter Jordan, Michael Wittenborn, Serkan Kaya, Caro Scrimali and Melodie Simina zu sehen.

“Mein interner Arbeitstitle war, en das klingt fürchterlich, Verwechslungskomödie. Aber letztlich stimmt er: Es geht um Verpassmomente, darum dass Maria und Ralf sich nicht ken, aber gemeinsame Freundinnen, Verwandte, Bekannte haben“, said Pastewka in Interview der Deutschen Presse-Interview at Filmfest Munich, wo er die Serie gemeinsam with Engelke and dem Team Vorsellte. “Mir was always important, because both of them are connected to the world, and because of that they are always connected.”

Unterhaltsam and in Teilen berührend

The idea that you continue in the Corona time with the first lockdowns, says Engel in the Anschluss and the premiere. “I have a sister in this time” and one of the following plans. It is a good idea to start another project, like this; ein Buch zum Beispiel. It is a series – and it is a fact that it no longer works and in some cases does not work well.

One of the things that occurs – above all in the figure of the main character of the fresh history Ralf – a serial follower “Pastewka”. A goose would then not be very by Engelkes and the Liebe and was weighted Maria, who an affair with his ex-festivity – the Mann, who for his best friend verlassen and who jetzt a hereditary will is.

A series about the Älterwerden – or one of the best options

“It is worth mentioning that Maria and Ralf are people so that it would be that they hinted. Ralf has a family, Maria is a tall accountant. Ralf is divorced, Maria’s concubine Johanna has climbed her Buchidee. Both figures are with a swing of Baum and Borke and must find themselves new”, Pastewka states.

“And the funny thing is that we can change these things and insult them during the washing out, that they can enjoy for 30 years the first time we have made. And now glauben, they can still copy that, what if”, the Schauspieler continues. “But of course it comes differently.”

If you see something other than the main theme, Engelke: “Wir hatten nur bock auf die Geschichte. Viellelicht for six years, for 20 years we could have lived so much. We will find out how to pass the toll”, please see below. “Wir finden de philosophischen Unterbau toll, zu sagen: Wer spricht von verpassten Chancen? Do you want to miss an opportunity? Gibt is Zufälle? Gibt and Schicksal? Is this the best immunity? Fanden wir fell more exciting.”