
Vorsichtiger Optimismus beim BC Attaching: After the Befreiungsschlag sollen weitere Punkte her

Vorsichtiger Optimismus beim BC Attaching: After the Befreiungsschlag sollen weitere Punkte her

To confirm – After the first small Erfolgserlebnis in dieser Saison will der BC Attaching later. Am Mittwoch (6.30 pm) guests who visit Freisinger beim noch punktlosen Schlusslicht SK Srbija Munich. The BCA has submitted an application with a Rumpf framework and. The Ausfallliste will take part of life to a higher level. Dafür steht die Defensive bislang gut in dieser Saison – different from Gegner.

The seasonal field for the Münchner in the Category Umbruch. At Platz 13 you will find the Relegation der Klassenerhalt. Kontinuität let aber auch in diesem Summer nicht een. Wieder has a great personal approach – another example of the Club’s four best Srbija Torschützen. Hinzu kommt de Urlaubszeit, in der weitere Spieler fehlen. And the power is active. Three Games, Null Punkte, 2:15 Tore and two defeats with separate goals – the SK Srbija will be seen as Schlusslicht in the fourth game. „It is a good Mannschaft with Spielern, who could play games. You had some nice football lessons,” says BCA Trainer Stephan Fürst.

Joshua Goodluck was active in the blessing Karriere in the Bezirksliga

The Attachinger has established the connection while working with a point on the account. The 1:1 draw against Rohrbach was a minor liberation battle. After Joshua Goodluck had played the first BCA hit in this season. The offensive war is the first Bezirksliga hit. The defensive position is one of the most important players. It has become the attachment of SK Srbija.

The theme of the supplement is the personal situation. The long term is very dramatic. Uros Mijovic is erwischte es am schlimmsten. The 19-year-old defensive players are in the fight with the hand. There must be a chance to play the game in Munich. Damit felt in the defensive midfield one of the bright spots that season. There is no war with the bad news.

The Abschlusstraining lasted four weeks of Absagen

For the absconding training on the Monday training with the first four other absagen it is the intention that Maximilian Tessner a Hexenschüsses passenger, Domenic Hörmann, Manuel Thalhammer and Fareed Tourey (all sick) join together ebenfalls ab. Hinzu come die long-term injured and Urlauber. “I have made a serious serious, while the training is absagen. We have then but train”, says Fürst. It is a good idea to play a game on the plan. One of the following statistics is: “We have not made any way. And if I am audible, the staff is not so good”, there comes an end to the 38 years.

Bei der Aufstellung sind Fürst die Hand gebunden. “I’m currently not in a position to play eleven games.” There is a place to start playing games in one of the sickest playing fields. It’s easy to get started and there are only a few options available. At the Zielsetzung, the Voraussetzung is not as large as the Auswirkungen. “We will continue to live together,” said Fürst. There is still no question of a Mannschaft in the Breite. Although it may have been in the foreground at times, it remained on the list. The first würde is freuen.

Moritz Stalter