
You must know these Lektüren zur Selbstfindung

You must know these Lektüren zur Selbstfindung

Have you done this, was it in the direction of the plug? Is this research after carrying out self-study and research one of the most important solutions? A way, one of the inner knowledge, find another in books. These books for self-finding pose questions, on which the answers one perhaps does not (more) come by himself. The selection is great – the ways present themselves here from 8 Heartbeat recommendations.

If you are lost in a book, then you know how big the world of literature can be. Was it with Büchern that there was no longer any new fantasy, but that the inner Selbst was hereditary? Bücher zur Selbstfindung versprechen nicht nur Antworten auf de großen Fragen ofs Lebens, sonondern wollen, dess du die selbst auf een tieferen Ebene erkundest.

Was können Bücher zur Selbstfindung brought?

Do you find someone yourself with a book back? Who knows what I could do myself? Now, the Ratgeber-bieten are often practical Tools, Bungen and Einsichten, the dir helfen können, your own Strengths, Swabs, Values ​​and Souls better to understand. While reading books on self-study you can gain new insights, come up with other ideas and positive investigations in your life. If you can use your help, you can reflect yourself, see how you can clear and look on the path to a hereditary and authentic lifestyle.

In the search for inspiration and motivation, an obstacle to the wind, self-study and a personal development, we can help you. Letztendlich can help you, one of the Gefühl von Zufriedenheit, Gück and Sinnhaftigkeit in deinem Leben zu finden. If you ask yourself this, could you be urgently called? Then it is a matter of 8 Recommendations that determine the direction of your choice.

#1 “I wish I had…”

Stefanie Lorenz is a coach for psychotherapy. I think it is worth experimenting with the sales, the losses and the overcoming of Obstacles, to show resilience and to realize personal life experience. All these themes can be found in ‘Das Buch zur Selbstfindung: ‘Hätte ich mal…”, together with all the lessons and the hand, Verächangeungen zu durf. The red faden des buch deals with things, the dying are usually busy, not to become. It is natural that a person’s life has a certain definition. But with Gedankenspielen, critical questions, checklists and practical work instructions, Stefanie Lorenz makes it possible, that we come closer to the great question of life.

“The book for self-financing: ‘Hätte ich mal…’ – Who gives you a little comfort before you spend a day” by Stefanie Lorenz can be found here at Amazon.

Das Buch zur Selbstfindung: “Hätte ich mal...”Das Buch zur Selbstfindung: “Hätte ich mal...”

Das Buch zur Selbstfindung: “Hätte ich mal…”

Price may be higher. Price as of 08/14/2024 09:22 AM

#2 The Big Book of Self-Reflection

If the theme is Self-finding, man and Self-reflection come to an end. Self-reflection is a process, in my person, who thinks about his gratitude, feelings, experiences, actions and values. The best and most extensive analyses and fragments are definitely found in “The big book of self-study: 100 techniques from the world of Achtsamkeit and Psychology” by Lena Kuhlmann. The psychotherapist with his work and reflection book is a work that pragmatically brings the world of insecurity and chaos on the path of knowledge and clarity. All techniques are easy to understand and improve and the best thing about the book is that you have to work. When the fragments broke out, which brought the grübeln and could bear their beans, they were helfen to Wachsen.

“The Big Book of Self-Reflection: 100 Techniques from the World of Achtsamkeit and Psychology” by Lena Kuhlmann found it here at Amazon.

The Big Book of Self-Reflection: 100 Techniques from the World of Achtsamkeit and PsychologyThe Big Book of Self-Reflection: 100 Techniques from the World of Achtsamkeit and Psychology

The Big Book of Self-Reflection: 100 Techniques from the World of Achtsamkeit and Psychology

Price may be higher. Price as of 08/14/2024 06:33 AM

#3 The Alchemist

Whoever seeks to read for self-discovery, comes to the classical niece: “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho. The novel was published in Germany in 1991, but that is not so. The story is about Santiago, an Andalusian Hirten, the judge, a treasure to find. On the journey he gets to know another camel catcher, like an earthling who has lost everything. There is nothing that no one gives the chance to work, but man can be there, it was his will and it was his strength. More wool will not be spoiled, if they throw themselves into the battle, the Roman displacement and the heart-legen. The story is still spoken to you for a long time after reading!

“The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho can be found here at Thalia’s.

The AlchemistThe Alchemist

The Alchemist

Price may be higher. Price as of 08/14/2024 08:43 AM

#4 My journey to myself

“My journey to yourself” is an inspiring book by Sabrina Fleisch, an anxiety and stress moving trainer. It is a matter of personal journey of self-examination and a good knowledge and experience, which the person finds himself and has a hereditary experience. One of the core statements says for example: Only when you know yourself, can you come closer. If you see and at all the Power, which is strong, recognize and you connect with new Gewohnheiten erreichst, you learn in the Ratgeber Stride for Stride.

“My journey to my own self: Find the answer in this self, which no one can answer right now” by Sabrina Fleisch can be found here at Amazon.

Meine Reise zu my self: Find the answer in this self, since no one can answerMeine Reise zu my self: Find the answer in this self, since no one can answer

Meine Reise zu mir self: Find the answer in this self, since no one can answer

Price may be higher. Price as of 08/14/2024 08:41 AM

#5 So I’m here too!

Dr. Stefanie Stahl knows the story of his bestseller “The Child in Dir Must Find Home”. Now he has published his further letters, who are completely and completely committed to such a person. Stefanie Stahl proposed 16 general character types, which are based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). For all, if and other people who want to strengthen, it is a test that gives an indication and an integrated health care for themselves and others, which pleases the Miteinander and is on the right side of the partner partners. When we have a self-conscious and other goal-oriented way of thinking, we say that our own stories and our non-human suddenly in a new light …

“So I’m here! Recognize yourself and others. With Persönlichkeitstest” by Dr. Find Stefanie Stahl here at Amazon.

So bin ich eben! Recognize yourself and others. With Personality TestSo bin ich eben! Recognize yourself and others. With Personality Test

So bin ich eben! Recognize yourself and others. With Personality Test

Price may be higher. Price as of 08/14/2024 09:34 AM

#6 The Big Five for Life

With “The Big Five for Life” John Strelecky is a new bestseller. If you see the Roman hat ‘Das Cafè am Rande der Welt’, that is also possible. Worum geht’s? While Zufall Joe learned, one of his friends, the charismatic business man Thomas knows. It is a good collaboration between both men. Thomas was by Joes Mentor and insulted the Geheimnisse blessing Hereditary. He said that Joe, what it is, is one of the possible hereditary things. His company leads Thomas and two lines: Every employee must know his purpose as well as his Big Five for Life, also know which five souls are in life to achieve. These ideas help Joe, you can best deal with each other. But Thomas will perhaps read a seinem Wissen teilhaben: Seine gesammelten Aufzeichnungen lie hier voor Ihnen. With a quick 9,000 5-sterne-bewertungen at Amazon it is clear: Auch dieser Roman von John Strelecky trifft wieder full ins Herz.

“The Big Five for Life: Was Wirklich zählt im Leben” by John Strelecky found here at Amazon.

The Big Five for Life: Was alive in lifeThe Big Five for Life: Was alive in life

The Big Five for Life: Was alive in life

Price may be higher. Price as of 08/14/2024 06:35 AM

#7 Shaolin Spirit

Wenn du dich für Spiritualität, bzw. The most interesting Buddhas of Lehren, that Spiegel bestseller is a good choice for this. In “Shaolin Spirit”, Shi Heng Yi entered the world of Shaolin monasteries. Anschaulich and life are clear, who the Buddhist Shaolin-Lehre theinen Körper and theinen Spirit in Einklang offers, opportunity and more Stärke and inner Clarheit find. Learning, Knowledge and Practice of Shaolin-Mönche with the “First Hand” of Shi Heng Y, who after four years in the School of the Shaolin-Method has a small knowledge, which brings the knowledge of Achtsamkeit to a new level.

Shaolin Spirit – Master of the Life of Shi Heng Y can be found here at Amazon.

Shaolin Spirit: Meistere dein LebenShaolin Spirit: Meistere dein Leben

Shaolin Spirit: Meistere dein Leben

Price may be higher. Price as of 08/14/2024 09:28 AM

#8 Date yourself

Letzt wollen with the Reflexionsbuch of No Drama Club and Herz legenden. “Date mit dir selbst” is an abuse from the Ratgeber and the book, in dem du ein active Part bist. You reflect with 23 pages on 148 pages, a self-conscious path to your choice. You win clear, inner stars and get to know your self-knowledge. The book never came from the idea, if it is optimized itself, it is no longer possible to show nature the creative creations that we want to use.

You can find “Date with yourself” by No Drama Club here at Amazon.

The Date with your self - The Original | A Reflexionsbuch with 23 exciting momentsThe Date with your self - The Original | A Reflexionsbuch with 23 exciting experiences

The Date with your self – The Original | A Reflexionsbuch with 23 exciting moments

Price may be higher. Price as of 08/14/2024 08:33 AM

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