
They love their job and love

They love their job and love

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They love their job and love
Eben noch Granatapfeleis, dann Mangoeis und nun Meloneneis: The Maschine ist das Herzstück in der Eisküche von Francesco Covre (left) and Production Chef Massimiliano Samuel. © as

More Passion as a Profession: For the Besitzer der Eisdiele de Pellegrin ist more like a Süßigkeit. But who are those Kreationen in that Waffel? Ein Besuch hinder den Kulissen ihrer Gelato-Manufaktur, der so manche Überraschung birgt.

Deutschland wrote das Jahr 1799. In Hamburg the first German Eisdiele. Developing sollten folgen und den Menschen Lust auf das Dolce Vita machen. 1999, 200 Jahre und Milliarden Eiskugeln später, übernimmt Francesco Covre at Haus Louisenstraße 9 am Eingang zur Fußgängerzone von seinem Onkel das 1953 gegründete „Eiscafé Gelateria De Pellegrin“.

The 65-year-old Patron, with his history at a winery in Treviso after his visit to the United States, had his own Bauzeichner gelernt, if there was 1977 in Germany and he had a good experience, he was happy with his life, he was happy with it. There was a summer job in a signal assistant and there was no shortage of work, as a signal chef in this regard, his talent is capable of being experienced.

A joy for Bad Homburg’s Süßschnäbel, which is also worth reading those Fingers after Covres Eiskreationen. “I’m happy, the Kugel hat damals 1.20 kostenet, alldings nor D-Mark”, said the man laughing, because the Eismachen were heavy as the Beruf sieht, fell more aber as Berufung.

Kilo Vanilla Shots for 400 Euro

Require, say the gelernte Eis-Konditormeister, see more as now a Süßspeise, that man himself is good. It is true that you have a sinful philosophy, which is in all respects the light of your soul: “That is who we are, one who is not alone in life, man who must have all his or her own spiritual genius, but with his or her knowledge.” owner’s favorite from the 30 varieties of vanilla ice cream. If you have a question, the dieser Klassiker is now available, if you want a “correct” vanilla in the game, you can read it. The kilo of vanilla shots from Madagascar costs 400 euros, but it is not very good, it is not very good, and the quality of the food is good and the team is very good, the quality is high, it is said.

That screams fürs Nusseis. In “The Pellegrin” comes now with syrup from slightly dried Piemont-Haselnüssen zum Einsatz, “which since black teurer, aber now that weiß ich, so that the Haselnüssen is not drin.”

Massimiliano Samuel, self-employed as a Konditormeister, is responsible for production. In addition, the machine is perfect for cooking granatapfeleis heraus. Massimiliano fills it with a noble steel, which will find little space in the Theke ihren Platz. Zehn Minuten dauert das, dann ändert sich die Farbe der Verlockung: sattgelbes Mangoeis, wieder zehn Minuten später Meloneneis. That’s the geese Tag so. If you look at it yourself, the production will be processed, so that the production is not affected by the requirement, which means that the environment is good for the living environment. More knowledge, moreover, you will experience the shock, the pleasure of bitter shock with a few “secrets”, pleasure and happiness.

“The very best part of the requirements is naturally mild, for the creamy texture of the food, the parts with the salt, the parts are also served with mascarpone,” the Chef’s statement. The mascarpone has a beautiful shape, which ensures that the work is carried out with little effort. “The Leute wollen black möglichst große Kugeln, brands aber oft nicht, who fell Luft sie miessen. If you are in Italy, you will not be able to purchase the weight,” addresses the question of a virulent Theme: the debate about the price of a weight requirement, the factors of the factors considered: personal and energy costs, but also in itself rasant verteuernden Products. After the beginning of the Ukraine crisis, the costs for the economy are explodiert.

Der Eiskonsum gehe generell zurück, wegen der Preise. A piece of cake, which weighs between 80 and 90 grams, costs around 1.80 euros. If you live there, you will be conscious of your calories afterwards.

Milcheis with rocket and parmesan

“Früher wurden meist three Kugeln, heute ist es zu 80 Prozent nur eenine, ab und zuch mal zwei. “Manchmal were even ordered half way, it was very bad,” says Covre.

Your soul is still welcome, you will always find new gifts, and your guests are always welcome: Stracciatella, Vanilla, Mango, Chocolate Gehen immer, aber auch „Prinz von Homburg“, a Mischung aus Schokolade auf Milcheisbasis, a Schluck Likör andd Crispy splittern. Dennoch experiments Francesco Covre in seiner Küche auch gerne. Gerade was served in a special machine with fresh, creamy ingredients: Milcheis with arugula and parmesan chips: “It is not in the waffel, especially as a topping for our bruschetta.”

Wovor Covre am meisten Angst hat? “Stromausfall. If there are any problems that cannot be overcome, then it becomes critical.

Would you have been a happy connoisseur in Bad Homburg with me? „Wenn die Leute aus dem Italian-Urlaub zurückkommen, um ‚endlich wieder ein richtiges Eis’ zu essen.“