
High quality kraft paper, stock with a new job

High quality kraft paper, stock with a new job

The active temperature is not lower than during winter sports, but it is still warm. So start in the French Courchevel der Summer-Grand-Prix – with great experiences from a rot-weiß-roter Sicht. Während with the wife Jacqueline Seifriedsberger has started on the platz three countries, with the herren gesamtweltcupsieger Stefan Kraft with his new frühform. “I’m normal in my summer and I’m always right, but I’m always happy to start. I have a good feeling on the Schanze and I’m happy to be a Salzburger. Manuel Fettner crested on Platz four, Jan Hörl wurde Sechster, Daniel Tschofenig must fit into the background of adductor problems.

New money is one of the northern Trainerfront. So Alexander Stöckl as sports director of the Polish ski jumping and combined teams has received new funding. In Tyrol, since 2011, the fresh Frühjahr inheritance is the Norwegian Weitenjäger bereut hatte, unterschrieb beim polnischen Verband een Zweijahresvertrag met Option auf Verlängerung. Damit is the 51-year-old chef of Thomas Thurnbichler, the Polish ski jumper with a matching hat. With one of the authors: Kamil Stoch. The routine is always individual in the season before. Our pollnischen Damen-Team steht with Marcin Bachleda der Nachfolger von Harald Rodlauer (der Steirer also coaches the Italian Frauen-Mannschaft) fest.

Alex Stockl

Alex Stockl


Zurück zu Stöckl: „I am happy with my experience with Thurnbichler. There is a lot of fragmentation, but the interest and role of sports directors is great. Danach has lived a few days in Poland, has spoken with words and has learned a picture of the situation. The final result is very positive.” And further: “My upgrade is a long strategy for Spitzensport, Recruitment, Training, Communication and Marketing in the entwickeln”, where the Österreicher vom Norwegian “Dagbladet” is located.

The previous Trennung vom norwegischen Verband (der Vertrag wäre noch bis 2025 gelaufen) verlief everything else as reibungslos. Night in the Jänner nach der Skiflug-WM in the Kulm eener Aufforderung der Athleten (who has his long respiratory arrest), of seinem Amt zurückzutreten, nicht nachgekommen war, reichte der Tiroler in Mai Klage ein. Seiner Ansicht nach hätte ihn der Norwegian Verband absichtlich daran gehinderd, seine Arbeit auszuüben. The follower of Stöckl, whose family lives in Oslo and commutes to Krakow, is the 40-year-old Magnus Brewig.