
Inselrat gibt greens Light for Plane and Beach Promenade

Inselrat gibt greens Light for Plane and Beach Promenade

Der Inselrat von Wangerooge can travel the road to a hotel and a management of the Oberen Strandpromenade for free. Zuspruch gab es auch aus der Bevölkerung.

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Wangerooge – Die Dünenhalle auf Wangerooge – der Schauplatz für eine weweisende Ratssitzung der Inselgemeinde am Dienstagabend. The renovation of the ambitious Plane: Two basic buildings on the upper beach promenade were sold, a place for a new hotel and a management facility would be purchased. So the damp Gemeindekasse is filled. A Mehrheit in the gilded rat for the Sitzung as safe. It is not possible for you to receive the home registration. Das Interest – riesig. More than 100 Einwohners come to the Dünenhalle. Is it a neutral Bürgerentscheid? Kurz vor Sitzungsbeginn sees a Gewitter auf. Blitze is the Dämmerung, Donner growls in the Ferne – a wicked Omen?

Renovation of the “Oasis” is tough

Weit gefehlt. Zwar is praised after the presentation of the previous years in the Dünenhalle – after the applause is received for the gesamtkonzepte debts. Management and Ratsmitglieder will appear in the Anschluss: The einwohner-scheinen give a hint to the Konzept zu stehen.

If the rest is well lived, that Rieka Beewen, all general relations of the Bürgermeisters, gleich zu Beginn de akuten Handlungsbedarf erläutert. A Nachtragshaushalt with a shortage of a quick tax of one million euros on the Gemeindekasse. The community is urgently in need of money – for the sanitation of the recreational pools “Oase”. It is extremely important for tourism.

See how well you understand it: Take care of your Wangerooge with more than 100 people.

See how well you understand it: Take care of your Wangerooge with more than 100 people.

These days the Liegenschaften an der Promenade ohnehin “ein Schandfleck” en in een maroden Zustand. Und: With two new management practices will die considering the tourist regulations of the island. “It was the infrastructure that was mentioned,” said Beewen. Ratsherr Rüdiger Mann arrives at the point: “Ohne Kohle is no further here. Falls die Sanierung der,Oase’ teurer wird, dann wäre, Stand jetzt, no money available.’

Concept for management

Rieka Beewen no longer presents herself at the sale of the Zwei Grundstücken, but has become a bit detached from the maritime buildings of the municipal and spa administration: The spa administration has ended up a bit in the healthy “Oasis”, the municipal administration in the old nursery school. A cost-prohibitive new construction of the administration can thus be avoided.

Voraussetzung für das Vorhaben: the money from the Verkauf der Grundstücke. Zum one of the Grundstück on the Oberen Strandpromenade, Ecke Anton-Günther-Straße, was sold – here is a full-fledged hotel. If others were to purchase the Grundstück with the ehemaligen Bürgermeisterhaus – a management plan will be made here.

What are sold like this

The basis is: Until 1900, the large Grundstück on the Upper Beach Promenade, Ecke Anton-Günther-Straße, directly next to the Beach Bar “Diggers”, were sold. Here you will find a Vollhotel. “It is definitely a real Bettenburg trade,” says Rieke Beewen, Allgemeine Stellvertreterin des Bürgermeisters. Baulich sind four Geschosse at a maximum temperature of 15 meters. Then you will find a Restaurant Platz. The provision of housing for employees is mandatory. Interested parties cost 4.75 million euros in the Tisch-legen. A Ganzjahresbetrieb is vorgeschrieben.

Basic text two: With the rest of the work done during the day, the new Bürgermeisterhaus came into being – new to the Aparthotel “Anna Düne”. The Grundstück costs 650 Quadratmeters and costs 1.625 million euros. Stand jetzt gehen dabei alledings 75 Prozent an des Land Niedersachsen. Bedeutet: Für die Gemeinde- und Kurverwaltung würden 406.250 Euro übrig bleiben. With this country wolle man aber neutrally traded, so Beewen.

Whoever has visited the Hotel and the Beherbergungsbetrieb once, could not enjoy it more. It depends on your jewelry Investor ab.

Schwerwiegende Kritik und de Plannen der Gemeinde gibt is aus der Bevölkerung nicht. Einwohner Uwe Osterloh says that he has a plan for the land of the desired Kurverwaltung. Die soll laut Beewen später in Angriff were taken.

Initiating anchoring

If there is a citizen arbitrator, who has profited from the financing of a stock exchange for two years, an investor was sold to a 400-bed hotel that would no longer hold a debate. “I see the first time I think. In the context of the general development of the last century, the isolation was desired for two years: a partial sale of the geländes, so that a touristic genutzt could be used”, explains Thomas Beckmann, former Member of the Citizen Initiative on the Future.

The abomination of abstinence has come to an end with: All hands of the ratsmitglieder are nach oben (Dr. Fritz Peters has been found guilty) – Antrag angenommen. Die Ausschreibung der Grundstücke is als beschlossene Sache. There is no Gewitter for the Dünenhalle – no applause in the Halle now.

And the Grundstück met dem ehemaligen Bürgermeisterhaus soll veräußert.

And the Grundstück met dem ehemaligen Bürgermeisterhaus soll veräußert.

Jonas Hegen