
Donaueschingen: All wollen mitmachen: Was quickly finished Children with the Donaueschinger Reitturnier zu haben

Donaueschingen: All wollen mitmachen: Was quickly finished Children with the Donaueschinger Reitturnier zu haben

The Donaueschinger Reitturnier nimmt Anlauf für seinen Neu-Start. By the end of 2023, it will be completed in the Waterfall, 2022. Corona conditions are now in place and the dressage season will continue, so you will have great results. There may be a problem with its operation. Mit Schafhof Connects as a new Veranstalter starts at Turnier am Donnerstag, September 12, wedder full durch.

If you recognize the Reitturnier-Gelände, you could say that everything has been brought into a Top-Zustand: “Der Rasen looks top,” said Veranstalter Matthias Alexander Rath von Schafhof Connects.

The previous phase of Donaueschinger Reitturnier is in full swing. Bereits im Mai testet Niklas Krieg, who who ...

The previous phase of the Donaueschinger Reitturnier is in full swing. Bereits im Mai tested Niklas Krieg, wie wie Wirkt de Beschaffenheit des Rasens sich auswirkt. | Image: Simon, Guy

Anyway, you will see the 400,000 euros in the renovation of the old history: “Wir will receive all the sisters.” It is a great advantage that it ends up in the Vorfeld passion. “If it is a high Investitions-Summe, Turnier can look in the right direction,” says Rath.

It is so that the man in the thirties has been in that big loose-legen-können: “There is a war that weighs heavily, the man notes: We have a new infrastructure and something is changed”, Matthias Rath explains. While the city has little money in hand: “It is a cracker, the new installation directly in the big starting can”, says Mayor Severin Graf. The city is at the turn and has great confidence in the installation.

Enjoy the great Turnier in September: Severin Graf (Bürgermeister Donaueschingen), Matthias Alexander Rath ...

Vorfreude auf de große Turnier in September: Severin Graf (Bürgermeister Donaueschingen), Matthias Alexander Rath (Turnierveranstalter), Andrina Suter, Hans-Dieter Dreher, Arendt Gruben (Vorstandsvorsitzender der Sparkasse Schwarzwald-Baar) and Kerstin Tritschler (Vertreterin Fürstenhaus). | Image: Roger Müller/Schafhof Connects

It is a good idea for Donaueschingen, that the Turnier who are standing: “It is a good idea to have a stable Turnier and the higher Stellenwert that man immer gesehen”, said Arendt Gruben, Vorstandsvorsit der Sparkasse Schwarzwald-Baar. “Das Turnier tut Donaueschingen gut.”

What direction do you see?

If the new direction is determined, the traditional festival during the Donaueschinger Innenstadt is back. Every riding turner has local specialties, “and that is a piece that is special here,” says Rath. The device is a toller for Turnier. I see Severin Graf thus: “Damn identify the Bürger Donaueschingens. A time when Turnier works in the city.”

Release emotions, while jene Bürger never plays in the Stadium again, here one of the Fenster-schauen or the Straße gehen. That is a special connection,” says Graf.

In any case, the brand is a man who allows the Begeisterung bei the Anmeldungen für the Umzug: „Dass der Andrang so groß ist, das konnten wir uns nicht vorellen“, so Rath. Man is very grateful for children with integrated care: “We think, we will have 150 children – we will have 960 children.”

The big anniversary gala

Steckenpferde were nor another Stelle zum Einsatz bowls. Am Freitagabend, September 13, found from 7.30 pm an anniversary gala on 70 years of Turniergeschichte statt. Two Stunden, in the road guides and EM heroes, in the film ausschnitte of history is not even lassen and in danes with herausgepickten Show-Höhepunkten Action, Vielfalt and Emotionen rund um das Pferd in the Bann zeehen – and eben on Steckenpferde.

It could be interesting


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“2023 will soon be a Steckenpferd-Poloturnier statt,” says Kerstin Tritschler from Fürstenhaus Fürstenberg. This is also the case with the Gala eine Rolle Spielen: “Not like all the games, even with two Chuckers”, explains Tritschler. Ein Chucker is an etwa of minutes of playing time at Pferde-Polo. Matthias Rath was taken in by Christian Fürst in Fürstenberg and Oberbürgermeister Erik Pauly as Schiedsrichter. “We wear sports – and that is a sport – more present,” explains Kerstin Tritschler.

Die Aussteller auf dem Turnier-Gelände

Here the Veranstalter nicht nur federalweite Aussteller and the Start bring, impressed by the region. “Those woolens are grimly tied,” says Matthias Rath. He has Kai Sauser working on a single bunting. So it became classic Einkauf geben, Catering and Gastronomy – from the Region. “It is beautiful for the region, as well as for leisure activities. They could see and in essence, it was not really possible,” Rath continued. Zum Paket heard in a large children’s area: “Wir haben beim Zuspruch bei de Steckenpferden marked, that’s how the bowls were.”

It could be interesting

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If the wettkämpfe in Donaueschingen takes a dip in the fahrsport that puts a stop to it, “the war is heavy and is here in Donaueschingen with the tradition,” said Rath. The Marathonfahrt on Samstag is a Zuschauermagnet: „The Hindernisse has a complete überbeitet.“ Sieien eeninige Zeit nicht benutzt benutzt. Vierer-Gespanne seien dieses Jahr nicht dabei, das solle sich jedoch bereits 2025 wiedern: “Die wollen wir nächstes Jahr wieder with dabei haben”, so Rath.

From August to September as the target period of life, it is the right choice. All in short on the Olympic game, the first thing that happens is.

What else is there in Zukunft?

“We shared the common ground,” said Bürgermeister Graf. Man can wait a while in the following years. They can be different from events – “and it is toll, that the region will be present in the future”, so Graf. Viele Leute seien schon darauf aufmerksam became: “I think, it was a long and healthy work together.” It was so intertwined that it was not absehbar, so Matthias Rath, “aber we have ideas.”