
Italien-Urlaub would teurer – pro Woche drhen bis zu 175 Euro Aufschlag

Italien-Urlaub would teurer – pro Woche drhen bis zu 175 Euro Aufschlag

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Italien-Urlaub would teurer – pro Woche drhen bis zu 175 Euro Aufschlag
Italian holiday can spend a lot of time. © NurPhoto/Imago; Guido Schiefer/Imago; Collage: RUHR24

The holiday in Italy can no longer be used. The Regie-information is a new challenge for Tourismussteuer.

Rom – Holiday in Italian, that sounds after Gelato, Pasta and Aperol Spritz in the Sonnenuntergang. For the Italian management this is only possible in the greenhouses. Tourism is one of the most important economic benefits of the country. It is not that more money is created.

Italien-Urlaub would teurer – pro Woche drhen bis zu 175 Euro Aufschlag

Derzeit Italian registration is a new company that has taken the time to be able to do more. Laut Entwurf should the tourist tax, also known as bettentax or kurtax, be accepted.

The crowds of tourists passing through Stiefel Europe are getting longer and longer. So Italy started in those years, Mass Nahmen zu erreifen, um dem Massentourismus Herr zu be – and earned more money. If tourists do not want more, the costs for the Müllentsorgung can be increased.

Italian Zieht Preise an: Bis zu 25 Euro pro Night could be reduced slightly

Tourists also come in Italy-Urlaub more and new costs, so who trades in Venice, will continue for a while. If you do not activate the preiserhöhungen-scheinen, you can no longer use them. Now the Kurtaxe will be.

I am actively searching for the Italian news agency Answer of an increase of up to 25 Euro per Person and Night the Reason. If you say this now, as Urlauber sich leisten, in a Luxury Hotel in his night, in the price for the night, then he will lie 750 Euro. There is a way you can book your hotel and pay a hotel price.

Neue Steuern in Italien: Urlaub im Süden Europas könnte noch teurer zijn

No longer the Steuerhöhe, will be placed on the Umfang. If a single Steuer der Tijd nur von Hauptstädten, Gemeindeverbänden and Tourismusgemeinden were erhoben, all 7,904 Italian Gemeinden can obtain this Möglichkeit. So if the Tourismussteuer de Entwurf has awarded you the following hotel prize:

  • Hotels up to 100 Euro per Night: 5 Euro
  • Hotels between 100 and 400 Euro per night: 10 Euro
  • Hotels between 400 and 750 Euro per night: 15 Euro
  • Hotels from 750 Euro per Night: 25 Euro

We make the entries laugh Ansa message no longer reinvested in the tourism sector, but then in the setbacks. Wer also a 7-part luxury holiday factory, which was ordered with 175 euros as a supplementary (more holiday news in RUHR24).

Urlaub in Italian: Steuern sind noch nicht beschlossen

Although it is not the case that a purchase is made, while an average of the plans will be completed in 2025. The Italian Ministry of Tourism indicated in a press conference (August 5) that “the talks with economic associations and other institutional companies in the hinterland are still a possible demand for the change of tourism regulations”. The talks that will be held in September will be concluded.

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There is no longer any support for the Vorhaben from the Italian tourist traffic. The Verbände Federalberghi and Confindustria Alberghi criticize the Pläne. Confindustria Alberghi shares Answer with the fact that the host company is not a “bloßer ATM” for the municipalities is expensive.