
Luminar Neo Herbst Update 2024 announced –

Luminar Neo Herbst Update 2024 announced –

Feature Extensions

2024-08-15 Luminar Neo Developer Skylum has added the big herb update 2024 and a splurge Subscribers and Non-Subscribers new features. When you notice the subscriptions and the “Season Pass” owners, you can unlock new features, but everyone else can start with “now” two “Quality of Life” improvements. (Harm-Diercks Gronewold)

The Luminar Neo spice update includes all German images in the image catalog. So it may be that the date display in the EXIF ​​panel is displayed and displayed, so that the display in the form of one of the best versions can be completed. A new detailed overview of the date indications, ratings and more geben.

More processing is done in the implemented filter options. So it may be that the room model, the Brennweite, the ISO setting and maybe even more are filtered, deserves such bad prices. They could make virtual copies. If you take photos, you can experiment with raw bearbeitungs styles with woolen and do not make extra copies of photos. If you notice the order of the sorting of the attributes, the display of large amounts of vereinfachen soll.

Ebenfalls für alle Luminar Neo Bildbearbeiter ist der Filmstreifen in Bearbeitungsmodus. Damit welds himself quickly and smoothly images in the bearbeitung wechseln and synchronize. It works on the construction and execution of the work.

Owner’s guideline Season Pass subscribers can also benefit from a clever such function. These work with machines are learned and picked up, making them easy to find. So someone can find a “Baum”, “Berg” or “Mountain” or some other kind of thing and then change such things.

Ebenfalls no longer has the “Color Transfer” function. With those welding of farbstimmungen of a referenzbild on another image. Thank you for the detailed information regarding the transfer granular adjustments, so that the images will be correct for the Referenzbild.
The third and last change is the color mask tool. If you read this, or if you put a complex mask on the basis of the colors. If you click on a click, the image is displayed on the pixel display and the mask is displayed. Of course, the color of the product can not be masked by Schieberegler.

If you have received the 2024 Herb Update, the leader has not yet started.

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