
Werbung | – The online magazine of the Schweizer Kommunikationswirtschaft

Werbung | – The online magazine of the Schweizer Kommunikationswirtschaft

The ADC Würfel has fallen!

The ADC Würfel has fallen!

Since the Sparjahr 2003, a higher mode has been added to the Prämierung, which has made the ADC-Edelmetall rarer:\0

Not since Christmas 2003, a new fashion has become rarer at the Awards of the ADC Edelmetal: Now there are three Gold, new Silver and 48 Bronze Würfel hat of the Art Directors Club Switzerland that has been going on for years — noticeably few if I do. am Vorjahr. Hinzu kommen 132 Shortlist-Plätze, was a total of 192 Auszeichnungen ergibt. The Zahl der Einreichungen started in 996, ran 50 years ago in 2003. Unbestrittene Abräumer since Ruf Lanz, the neben one of the old Goldwürfel was four silver and one bronze Kuben won. Viel Metall plays in the publicity (zehn Würfel) and Spillmann / Felser / Leo Burnett (neun) nach Hause, that is a gold Auszeichnung. “” and “persönlich” show all gold and silver winners, they will be with the bronze -Würfeln sources work in the “personal rot” proposition.