
Please wait for a start-up solution – say Anders Indset

Please wait for a start-up solution – say Anders Indset

Anders Indset criticizes the rapid start-up culture. Er glaubt: Was Deutschland jetzt braucht, since Gründer die Unternehmen für die Ewigkeit purchase.

Please wait for a start-up solution – say Anders Indset

Gründe kein Startup – sononder? Das erklärt Wirtschaftsphilosoph Anders Indset.
Unsplash / anniespratt

Norwegian-born Anders Indset is founder, investor, book author and sometimes also a rock star. As a former professional handball player and a ‘hard-core capitalist’, economic philosophy is set on a positive progression and a performance culture that has been distorted in values. More bestsellers have been written in this race. Combined social and ecological economies with market economy and capitalism and greater power over the ‘quantum economy’ beigetragen: a new economic model, which the World Economic Forum in Davos is presenting.

Germany is the background. An active study by Bertelsmann said that the rapid way in which young people are an external gründen-möchte. After a small commissioning in 2022, the counting of new gründungen will be again. For Germany’s economic success, this is a good news story. How the self-esteem of the German economic status can develop: More and more ‘startups’ will be founded, while there are no other companies.

Wir brauchen keine Fehlerkultur

Much greener, a capital-strong enterprise, an exit for investors and investors to raise money. If a few things have happened, the financial situation will be undone, a journey and a journey into the future. Everything that has to do with a big Rauschen untermalt, is promoted by the ideological correction, a generation, the ‘alles kann’, modern Anglicism and a glorification of the fehler culture and the “Fuck-Up-Nights”.

Why do we strive for a culture of error? Christian Lindner goes in search of the whole Fuck-Up-Nights symbol of the problem: “The perfect answer to the false question”. I think that the Minister of Finance, the glorified people, might be a disruptive pilot or a creative heart surgeon. Yes, it is part of the fortschritts, but it is not even a remarkable brand that has a different culture. So look at Lindner’s true story. I understand his intention – but to make a real effort, we have to turn the screws on others.

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When it comes to launching the startup culture, it is important that I look at Germany in Germany, when I wander around a bit. For 24 years I came to Germany. ‘Quality Made in Germany’ was a great inspiration. Other Englishmen were ‘forbidden’. Today we are moving in New Work and Purpose Worlds, which make a core of German performance possible. If I don’t want to anymore, if I see something different, then that’s a spat or a spat. Anpacken, machen, umsetzen.

Vom Wirtschaftswunder zum antizipierende Kapitalismus

When the message of the German Mittelstands and the many Hidden Champions messages are sent, it often dies as a “German economic miracle”. Wohlstand für alle was das von Ludwig Erhard ausgebene Ziel. That is a miracle that you can do. Was it a comparison in the hip startups that were looking for a new challenge, because it was a real factory, after the investors had seen this kind of thing: echte unternehmertum.

German companies are living in the forerunner and are moistening the future. These so-called ‘Hidden Champions’ are intended to quickly dominate monopolistically and represent ‘Quality Made in Germany’. From Würth screws with the tunnel drilling machines of Herrenknecht, from the inheritance of the Ravensburger Puzzles is his belief in Flexi-Hundeleinen – all these products are based on innovative technology recognition.

You can read in another time. It is all possible, and it no longer occurs on an idea.

Different Indset

philosophy of economics

You can read in another time. It is all possible, and it no longer occurs on an idea. Living at the same time in a time, in which it is Germanically easy, to persevere through quality and deployment. There is no longer a single click on a global market.

A new positive Leistungskultur has emerged, which after an endless Forward Stride strives. When we are in one of our exponential fortunes, we can see the biggest problem of the world of the world, the problem that we recognize and that we will go through by law. Germany must build an antizip capitalism with its reactive and reactive investments, which solves the problem and increases the positive power of Forward Stride.

If Germany may have a high level, in the Leistung it is Positive and Beautiful, which most people are aware of, while there is no Anspruch, Kultur zu sein.

A simple problem: another part is spoken

Symbolic of a personal Hochleistungskultur steht meiner Meinung after the Family Busch. Karl Busch, in 1963 in the secret Keller, died in the first box. Die Huckepack, zum Verpacken von Lebensmitteln, war die Innovation, the foundation for a family business, the whole world of professional and overprint technology is offered. Karl Busch died in 95 years and wife Ayhan Busch in 90. In 50 years he won a world market leader, a multicultural billionaire group. And? Finally dare those children walked! Everything is 60 years ago in the best Unternehmer-Alter. Mr. and Mrs. Busch have done well.

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Gründe No Startup, Gründe a Company for Eternity. Most people like it all to last so long, that it is the only children who like it, which is a self-confident person. A single problem is an unendlichkeit. If you then still want to use a great power and an external view, this is an ergebnis of input and not of the desired output. It is the Gründer, who will brauchen.

If the Cloud-Welle is slafen, the KI-Welle, now needs is an operator, who can optimize a best market, with credit and performance availability and the duration of the next exponential Welle activities. The prosperity, the financial picture, the financing, it is a matter of attention, it is a good idea to do that. If money is made if money is made, it can not be a problem in Germany, but it is not the definition that is there. Wohlstand does not manifest itself in Ferraris and Yachts, is one of the etymological definitions of the Begriffs “Wohlstand” – in one of the most common cases of Wohlbevindingen and other life conditions. Short: A lot of capital was raised, after you gehst was, it flew into the system, while others ‘Zukünftern’ zu.

Is it possible that the Verweildauer of a TikTok exists, and that it is a self-existing one? This is my Verstandnis van Unternehmertum.

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