
Urs Brotschi übernimmt Leitung des Panoramahotels Braunwald

Urs Brotschi übernimmt Leitung des Panoramahotels Braunwald

Hotelier Urs Brotschi is located in the Position des Geschäftsführers in Panoramahotels Braundwald. There is a team working on the development of hotel projects. The construction of the houses in Glarnerland is proceeding as planned.

The Ymmo AG is located in the location of the former Hotels Alpenblick in Braunwald in the new Panoramahotel Braunwald. No, the Glarner Haus has a new managing director: Urs Brotschi. “If the file is drawn up, the best easement of the field de Wahl is in place”, began Yavuz Yildiz of the Ymmo AG de Wahl. “If you want to use one of the following things and versions of the hotelier, it is possible to carry out the bauliche if you do the practical things..”

This can get a new impetus as a hotelier in Glarnerland and that can happen in the tourism sector. His good networking in the canton of Glarus and his knowledge of the good qualities are so good, the old thought-concepts are hereby broadly utilised, heisst es in a medionmitteilung. (RELATED)

«The staff of the Hotel Director of the Panoramahotel Braunwald is welcome. With Stolz my Wissen and my Erfahrung came to an end, a project that got off to a good start. Bereits heute freue ich mich darauf, im kommenden Summer gemeinsam with a complete new Team that the first Guest can be empfangen», so Brotschi.

Construction work is underway
“The construction work of the Panoramahotels in Braunwald is a good choice”, says Yavuz Yildiz. During the work with the handwerk involvement and the Braunwald-Standseilbahn AG, the work of the Rohbaus could be carried out without any interaction or care.

The Aushub and the Baumeisterbeiten were carried out by the Trümpi AG and the Aufbau in Holz by the Fridli Holz AG. For the Holzstanderbau more use is made of Swiss Holz than after-sales Rohstoff is used. This is the best way to continue the Bauherrschaft by the local community from the Glarnerland. If the start of the internal construction is started the next day, the bet is carried out.

Planted in 32 rooms and three «Roof top» suits. The house is located at 70 hotel places, the restaurant is located at 80 and the terrace is located at 120 seats. A bar is very good in Hotel-Angebot and soll das Nachtleben in Braunwald erweitern. The official Eröffnung has been planted for Sommer/Herbst 2025. (mm)