
Olympia-Bewerbung: Berlin and Hamburg together?

Olympia-Bewerbung: Berlin and Hamburg together?

Berlin will be a special Exhibition of the Olympic Games in the city. Innensenatorin Spranger has cast an angry look.

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Berlin (dpa) – Berlins Innen- und Sportsenatorin Iris Spranger (SPD) strives for a more German Olympia-Bewerbung and Zusammenarbeit with Hamburg in Zuge. As more “charming”, a national company can create a “sporting tandem with the Hanseatic city of Hamburg, with a further city signal: That would be a herausragendes Zeichen des Zusammenwachsens 50 years after the Wiedervereinigung, when the Spiele in the two large cities in the West, Hamburg , and in the East, Berlin, statestfinden würden,” says Spranger der Deutschen Presse-Agentur.

Gespräche mit der Hanzestad has done the dpa information about stattgefunden. Für Spranger würde de Zusammenarbeit mit der Hansestadt ein emotive und siefältiges Bild Deutschlands in der Welt abgeben: «Das hätte schon was: de Hamburger Mischung aus Großstadt, Coolness with maritime Flair and Berlin, the international Metropole, the Sportmetropole and the greenest Metropole in Deutschland .»

“Berlin can make major international changes”

The 62nd year takes place in the Grundlagen in the main city for the Austragung of the international Grossveranstaltung. The Fußball Europameisterschaft has a ‘gezeigt, dass Berlin internationale Großveranstaltungen kann. The Sports Metropolis Berlin has an important infrastructure, logistical know-how, the business operations and the competition, a global sporting reign at high standards in veranstalten. Also the Special Olympics World Games 2023 were a larger and international beach teter Erfolg für Berlin, so Spranger.

The Federal Government has made a way for a German Olympic Award offiziell frei gemacht. Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD) was part of the Grundlagenvereinbarung with the Deutschen Olympic Sportbund (DOSB) and an interest in the interests of the federal states and cities during the summer holidays in Paris in August.

Make sure that the Bundeskabinet Grünes Licht for the politics of a new German Olympia-Anlauf becomes. We have made it clear to the Bundesregierung during the summer of 2040.