
Quecken souverän zum first Heimdreier

Quecken souverän zum first Heimdreier

The game on Wednesday evening began with intensity and tempo, above all from the sides of the shield. Patrick Schönfeld’s team continued its offensive party and began to get a kind of abschlusssmöglichkeiten. Only then a defensive defense team, questioned by Oleksandr Churilov, who does not know the Oberbayern, is in the initiation phase in the lead-up. The Quecken can play their game, in the game they find and begin to see the dominant playing style of the Ingolstad. First after good six minutes lie from the pressure after, and the Quecken came better in the game.

After the Trinkpause, which lasts a while after 20 minutes, it’s Blatt. The Sports Club continues in the gifted sons vor. The war is Manuel Stark, who now gives Schuss of the Strafraumgrenze the Latte-flog. Kurz found the best chance to answer the question: Ein Freistoß von Tobias Herzner landete am linken Außenpfosten. Fünf Minuten später hatte Moritz Fischer after an exceptional long ball of Göbhardt, der über das Feld played wurde, that Occasion, all in am right Fünfer abzuschließen. If you have Schuss, it is important that soft drinks are a big problem, the ball is parrying.

The zunehmende pressure der quecken zahlte sich ließlich aus. After Ecke Herzner had the ball on the Außenbahn zurückgespielt and flanking prizes on the Zweiten Pfosten, including Startelf debutant Felix Rippert with a Führung-einköpfte. The Rippert-Show continued: Now two minutes later, Rippert left the ball half-linked directly on the straumborde and was completely filled with rights before the 2:0-pausenführung.

After the break, continue to the dominant fortress of Auftritt. If the war is in German, the Eigner-Elf will have a schnellen Anschlusstreffer of the gegner prevention of wollen. Schließlich met de Quecken sogar Unterstützung von de Schanzern: Chirinos köpfte den Ball zu seinem Defensive Kollegen zurück, empty ihn dabei jedoch genau in de free Rechts Halbraum, wo Fischer durchstartete and zur Vorentscheidung traf. Damit was that party prepared their minutes after Wiederanpfiff entschieden.

In the next phase it is so that the Quecken still more Räume, the young Schanzer still drowns, a hit to be saved. Four games before the end Renner could make a header after an Ecke noch op de Linie retten. If there is a minute in the Ingolstadt, there is one: A man could now abandon a Schuss von Manfred Strobel, and Manuel Stark stood still. Even after 4:0 the Quecken through Alexander Beusch and Maximilian Göbhardt still had chances, that half a thousand full to do. And it remains 4:0, and the SCE is safe as the first homecoming of the season.

Bernd Eigner: “Since the first few minutes have been organized during the course of time and with a little happiness, we have not been able to get back into the swing of things since. Danach has a night and night in the game that is reintegrated and since he is able to take a break from the psychological Zeitpunkt in Het is a fact that with Fischer’s Schuss and Herzner’s Freistoß we can more than once pour more than the Deckel, under the next Leistung against Eichstätt.’