
Berlins Kult-Club will end 2025

Berlins Kult-Club will end 2025

Berlin’s Clubkultur provides another delight. Die Renate would weigh a Mietstreits geschlossen.

The credible Club Renate in Friedrichshain would end Türen at the end of 2025. This decision was announced in an official press conference on August 14. The main ground for the Schließung lies in the Auslaufen des Mietvertrags. The real estate investor Gijora Padovicz did not cash in on the sale.

Renate can “no longer perform in his current form”

The salon of Wilden Renate, where the party location started, was started and established in 2007 on the border of Friedrichshain. But after perhaps years of intensive clubbing and the Elsenbrücke, the operators must now say goodbye.

„Trotz intenser Bemühungen, eine Verlengerung des Vertrags or der Alternative Lossungen zu finden, müssen sich die Clubbetreibenden der Tatsache stelen, dass die Renate nach Zeitpunkt nicht mehr in ihrer derzeitigen Form besthen“, heißt es in der Mitteilung.

At Vermieter Gijora Padovicz, the Real Estate Group for your professional practice, can be at the center of criticism. Over the years, the time for the conversion sorting will be more than doubled. He brought the Renate and the Borders to the financing of Taxability. Padovicz owns in Friedrichshain and the Rummelsburger Bucht tax-rich real estate. After all, there was criticism again due to the Mietsteigerungs and the displacement of residents:innen and cultural facilities.

View at the Renate Nightclub in Berlin, on December 27, 2021
View at the Renate Nightclub in Berlin, on December 27, 2021

The end of Renate is a series of delights for the Berliner Club scene. At the Kult-Club, which is in a former apartment building with more shop sales Floors and a large undeveloped area, war is a component of the Berlin nightlife. When it finally happens, an important culture has been lost, but there is still talk of an Arbeitsplätze.

Renate-Betreiber wollen weitermachen

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But the manager of Renate is not up. If you can think of everything, then the club is in another form fortzuführen – again at the current location, always in a changed form, or a new location. Concrete plane for the future is still not up, the kind that has a good location, is in high gear.