
Concert report | CYNISCH – Cologne

Concert report | CYNISCH – Cologne

CYNIC – Cologne

15.08.2024 | 22:46

14.08.2024, Club Volta

The Erbe of the Prog Legend is in separate hands!

Concert report | CYNISCH – Cologne

I am honest, long war has never been like this, but I am the new version of CYNIC live anschauen or mich intenser mit dem neusten Album “Ascension Codes” beschäftigen sollte. During the great war, the inner development and the legendary Ur-version of the band, is the glücklicherweise with his best concert for the Death of Sean Reinert and Sean Malone still a little exciting. Yes, for the Euroblast Festival 2015 war Reinert zwar bereits weg priver Various ausgestigegen, dennoch war is a concert table, the ways of the surroundings and also ways of the subsequent honor always a special aura in my memories umgab. Once the e-instruction has arrived, you can serve the Tour stop of CYNIC in Cologne with messages, but then the Neugier. And so I find one of the most beautiful moments of the summer with my colleague Barbara Sopart, who takes one of the few photos before the concert that completes the club, which is now so good that it is completely full.

A class of the band or the interests of the promoters are no longer in trouble, but it is the fault of the Tatsache, that the metal community is worth to earn a summer or the week of the break during the summer festivals to find. Gerade these One-Off-Tourstops will have various Festivalconcerts that can stand on a schweren Stand for years and are often a Möglichkeit, or big bands in the meantime. If I come to the Merchandise-Stand as the biggest Hiobsbotschaft for the Band, when a Flug in Europe lost half of the article and the background of the Band, it was still a karge-Bühnenbild. If it is not true, the problem with the local support band and the war of the Tour is not so big that the right to organizations is not so big, but CYNIC heute ohne Anheizer auf de Bühne muss. Views that the following were taken into account during the fall, which were completed in the course of the fall and were canceled and forgotten. Paul Masvidal and his Mitstreiter, who are playing guitar for beginners after the e-inputs erwähnten Toden, with Schlagzeuger Matt Lynch, Gitarrist Mike Gilbert and Bassist Brandon Griffin besthen (Guitarist and Growler Max Phelps fehlt aktuell aufgrund other Verpflichtungen), have done other things in sin . But dazu später more.

The quartet starts at 20:30 and starts the concert with ‘Nunc Stans’ and the bigger ‘Evolutionary Sleeper’. Strong. Wer bis hierher nog Zweifel, ob das nieuwe line-up de technically insanely proficient compositions was kann, dared spätestens with the song ‘In A Multiverse Where Atoms Sing’ a besseren be made, while the performances of Bandmitglieder are light and very reassuring. While the fangmining of the setlist had no unanswered questions, it was the first time that “Traced In Air” performed, but the Tatsache had gotten into debt, so that a singer for Growls fehlt and even a discarded number of the catalog could find. Although Sorge, the fans of “Kindly Bent To Free Us” and “Focus”, definitely came to the costs, the man who knew that ‘Infinite Shapes’ came from the rave applause of Abends. Generell ist das Publikum trotz überschaubarer Anzahl extreme laut and bestens aufgelegt, was Paul Masvidal thanked for his knowledge nimmt. Inspired by the music with the “Ascension Codes”-Track ‘6th Dimensional Archetype’, the Live-Version has a renewed functionality and ‘Humanoid’ with high form and gerade Mike and Paul lief on the guitar, while he does that mir schon beim Zuschauen die Finger verknoten. In addition, the Rhythmus groups of Sean Malone and Sean Reinert will use a power and perfection foundation of the Bretter-zaubert in the other numbers, so that they are bald when they first go headbanging or go dancing during the bewegungsets. If the new songs work live, I bought the simultaneous Dennoch zum Ende der Show which is so focused, when “Focus” comes with three tracks to the tune. Gerade ‘Textures’ and the classic ‘How Could I’ cause then for lautstarken Jubel and were in new order in large version versions of Dargeboten, which would eventually open my e-inputs that two versliegen las. If you have reached the end of the sets with ‘Veil Of Maya’, it is a great surprise, while the “Focus” hammer goes away without more in the program and the band is praised as the first one before the concerts begin The setlist is being put together, but it is still possible that something will happen. The installation does not take long before this spontaneous action is no longer possible at all, we will follow the route in a miraculous way to complete a rundum. The spontaneous thing is that the Sachen Growls are fragmented, while both songs are activated by the band which is a guest singer and a guest singer from the community, who does wonders for their pain and the hard singing and the applause for the audience gets redness.

It is nothing but that there is a right of the end of the mangling supporting actors, which makes the band-kurzerhand of the stage from nach kurzer a fragmentary. It is an anecdote from the animation and general lyrical concert series, but all four musicians are willing to use antwort, when the fragments in targeted technical details of the live show and studio recordings are displayed. Gerade for my music is the ganze-naturally exciting and informative, we will be a wonder, that is the silent concert and the question-and-answer session with a minimal learned hat. There is still no talk of one of the most fanatical fragments, of the music, everything that has to do with photos, autograms and personal conversations about the reproduction. Gerade Paul didn’t know that he was once for his fan, but he was one of the few hints that other bands gave a German impersonal and strict tapped variant of these special experiences for a great price as a VIP experience and the man and woman they brought. This is something different, said the heutige Abend eindrucksvoll.

If it is so that a stunde at a concert with a big grin and in the wisdom of the house, that here is a whole other concert tabend, will remain in history for a long time. If Paul, Mike, Matt and Brandon have one of those Stelle nor a grateful thank you, it is a good idea to use the Verstandnis for a compact concert with the service after writing. Dass CYNIC with the standard is such a tolle Erfahrung for all popular hat, sougt von menschlicher Klasse and another to the Fan, while there many Colleagues three separate abschneiden can be. If it is so soft that the guest at CYNIC concerts is like that, it will focus on the self-conscious, it is an überdimensional experience that the new music group of the music group can protect more than würdig!

Setlist CYNIC: Nunc Stans; Evolutionary Sleeper; In a Multiverse Where Atoms Sing; Infinite Forms; Integral Birth; 6th Dimensional Archetype; Adam’s Murmuring; Humanoid; Textures; The Space Before This; How Could I; Veil of Maya

Photos: Barbara Sopart

Tobias Dahs