
Children do not know much about themselves, but they are better able to work in their jobs

Children do not know much about themselves, but they are better able to work in their jobs

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The situation in a Kita in the Kreis Ebersberg will be completed within a year. Die Eltern stehen für einem Scherbenhaufen. The kirchliche Träger will get everything, it was said.

In Bavaria, 60 children in kindergarten and kindergartens are affected by an unanswered bet, hervorgerufen by a mangle and personally. This problem is not new and the luck in the bet is increasing. Other spürbars die in the federal states, which are robbed in Vaterstetten, while protesting states, or in Egmating, a local community takes up the fight.

Notdienst is often given to Kita from the Kreis Ebersberg.
Notdienst is often given to Kita from the Kreis Ebersberg. © Eckhard Stengel/Imago

Horror-Kita nahe Munich: Personalwechseln, Ausfälle, Kündigungen

In the municipality the situation is no longer current. As of October 2023 the parental office of the St. Georg children’s home will be set up to improve the care situation. The parental messages of standard personal exchange, failures and knowledge. The involvement of children can no longer be safe, often childhood is now in kindergarten, before they will learn more. Entwicklungsgespreche finds no statistics, the pre-school can no longer be determined and the entire time setting is completed by the time setting. The children can seize power, know their knowledge, the uniqueness of their business persons are sollten.

Because otherwise it could happen, no one could get a name. It is a matter of flushing and blowing in the lurch. Go quickly for a year with the childcare of the kindergartens, the Erzbistum München and the Freising, and the Gemeinde. If you have a problem with solving problems, but you are no longer passive. If you use concrete, you have to remove the Gemeinde from the ground and see the Verantwortung at Träger.

The great Freude-war: In 2022 the extension of the children's house Sankt Georg in Aßling would take place with a big summer party. Mittlerweile is the personal situation prekrär.
The great Freude-war: In 2022, the extension of the children’s house Sankt Georg in Aßling would take place with a big summer party. Mittlerweile is the personal situation prekrär. © Stefan Rossmann

Kirchlicher Träger: “Gibt no schnellen Lösungen”

Das Bistum, als Träger der Kindertageseinrichtung, sees its great Herausforderungen gegenüber. “The management team is also responsible for the development of state-oriented solutions and solutions in a freer process with a major problem, so that the necessary solutions can be obtained.” neues Personal zu find. „and zum Teil schnell Ersatz gefunden: since April more Fach- and Hilfskräfte in Voll- and Teilzeit, since July aine Fachkraft in Vollzeit, a new Einrichtungsleiterin, in September more Fach- and Ergänzungskräfte in Voll- and Teilzeit dazu. A truly free life is not a matter of writing.”

Due to the criticism of others, while most people no longer have a good hat, the tatsächlich of the kindergarten is higher. There is a new kind of full-time kraft paper in the zwei Wochen wieder aus. If you can make the mangle of the transparenz of the Trägers and the forward view of the new Leitung in your Arbeit ordnungsgemäß ausführen, this is a standard when it comes to the indentation of sparrows.

The situation deteriorates dramatically at the moment – ​​Bürgermeister “sehr unzufrieden”

The situation in the kindergarten has caused an inner change over the years. 60 Prozent des ursprünglichen Personals is no more than unreal for a while, your childhood abzugeben. See fordern urgent improvements. “If the situation arises, in fullm the Unmut der Eltern and machen uns auch Sorgen um das Wohl der Kinder, die erstehen growt of the steadfast business persons and der häufig fehlenden Betreuung in der Einrichtung die strong leads“, so der Bürgermeister von Aßling , Hans Fent.

“None of the high stress level of the stress levels, the planning for my whole life is good and a child care is not a stress that can not be solved.“ A little mother has lost his job, we will have his child care must have. Other Eltern, the house that it is about, is a friend of children. The children fall under the situation. There were only a few things that played a role. If you spend nights and tomorrow morning among the children, it is not that the kindergarten is wollen.

Träger: “Hoffen, that we recognize our needs”

When the Question, soon after a year, no longer finds any translation, the Träger replies: “It is possible that all possibilities are created which are aimed at fulfillment. If other people have a problem and do not know what the problem is, this is the very least problem.” This is a personal matter.