
District Futian in Shenzhen promotes business relations and involvement in the Schutz of the urban Tierwelt

District Futian in Shenzhen promotes business relations and involvement in the Schutz of the urban Tierwelt

SHENZHEN, China, August 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A huge, big Brydewal started a row in the kitchen, Chinese Chinese cuisine and Killer who won the natural lifestyle in a lotus flower in a park and a free fish swimming ährend Möwen neben Reihern in der Bucht von Shenzhen aufsteigen … On 15. August, these two nationals Tag der Ökologie in China, fand in Bezirk Futian in Shenzhen the Veranstaltung ‘Vibrant life in the beautiful Futian: Wild City Residents: A Shenzhen Story Fans’ Expedition in Futian 2024“ (Lebendiges Leben im schönen Futian: Wilde Stadtbewohner: Eine Expedition der Fans der Geschichte von Shenzhen in Futian 2024) statt, de Bürgern einen Einblick in de Alltag der in der Stadt libenden Wildtiere ermöglichte.

Residents of the Wild City: A Story from Shenzhen is a themed documentary film by the Futian District Convergence Media and Cybersecurity Information Center and a renowned Shenzhen-based documentary film production that is emerging. The documentary series provides an overview of the Fortification and the life histories of more than 20,000 wild animals in more than 1,000 parks in Shenzhen and stirs the hearts of the spectators with their representation of the harmonious and complex Beziehung between Man and Nature.

Deng Kangyan, the renowned documentary film producer behind the Series, describes Residents of the Wild City: A Story from Shenzhen As a “Working table”, which shaped the development of art in Shenzhen and which shaped the environment, more intensively over the environmental theme of the future between human beings and nature.

In Shenzhen, the green philosophy of philosophy in the city tentwicklung becomes a fact and the way for a future Zukunft achieved. The poetic behavior of the “wild city residents” in Shenzhen represents the commitment of the city to a green settlement. In that Megastadt there are no longer any people active on 20,000 Tierarten in Buchten, Bergen, Seen and Parks. Davon stehen more than 140 Arten under dem besonderen Schutz des Staates.

Shenzhen is an example of the financing of biological civilisation. The establishment of the ecological corridors between the Meilin Mountain and the Yinhu Mountain (Kunpeng Probe Bridge No. 1) achieved great recognition at the beginning of the year. The bridge is no longer the green flats in the Yinhu and Meilin Mountains, but is also one of the larger corridors for the migration of wild animals.

Nach Angaben von Beamten des Managementburo des Amtes für Ökologie und Umwelt der Stadtverwaltung Shenzhen für Futian ist de Kunpeng-Probebrücke Nr. 1 a Fußgängerweg with an öcological Corridor, the protection of the Tierwelt-dient. This is the part of Shenzhen’s “Mountain-Sea Vistas” initiative and “Five Parks Link” projects, which includes Meilin Mountain Park, Yinhu Mountain Park, Bijia Mountain Park, Central Park and Lianhua Mountain Park. With Hilfe von Maßnahmen who the “Landschaftsbefeuchtungssystem” and the Nachbildung von Lebensräumen wurde the largest ökological Isolationzone in the Central Mountains of Shenzhen heritage “überbrückt”.

Data from the offices for city administration and switching of the prosecution of the Futian districts is that the Wildkamer has been older for years than 240 hours over the Corridor Bridge by Wild animals, while Leopard cats and Wild snakes, have been rolled up. While the Rotbauch-Bergs and the Lianhua-Bergs remain on the gegenüberliegende Seiten of the Bijia-Bergs and the Lianhua-Bergs for a long time, the end of the “Wieder Vereinen” is coming.

However, if the environment in Shenzhen continues, you will have Black Forest Löffler to spend the winter in the Futian Bezirk. In the Bezirk sind other Arts, die under the state underem Staatsschütz-stehen, and some Artsen wie de Kleine Indische Zibetkatze, der Fischotter, de Leopardkatze, de Gelbbrustammer, de Chinese Fleckschnabelente und der Wellenreiher wieder aufgetaucht; Surrounded by the Palmfarnpopulation at Xianhu-See.

Source: Information Center for Convergent Media and Cyber ​​Security of Futian Districts

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