
Startschuss für EU-Renaturierung: WWF forders national Schulterschluss

Startschuss für EU-Renaturierung: WWF forders national Schulterschluss

Vienna (OTS) –

Review of the official regulations of the EU Renaturierungsverordnung am Sonntag, 18. August forder de Umweltschutzorganisation WWF a “Schulterschluss von Bund und Ländern”, damit Österreich in zwei Jahren einen guten Renaturierungsplan einreichen kann. Particularly, among the results of project financing, efficient structures and good dating are important. “Austria can make a huge profit. The arterial fall is rising, with the climate and damn a self-aware, the intact system is high on the Krisensicherheit des Landes,” says WWF Biodiversity Speaker Joschka Brangs. What is a constructive task? “The Bund and the Länder are the new verornung as it has come into being: a single chance, the Schutz and the restoration of nature are all versserren. All investments are made in the volkswirtschaftlich”, says Joschka Brangs of WWF.

Inhaltlich sollte Österreich laut WWF een Schwerpunkt auf de Wiederherstellung intakter Flusse, Moore und Wälder legen. “There, both the handling conditions and the potential for nature and climate protection have been greatly underestimated,” says Joschka Brangs of WWF. If we continue to look for more lies, while using the salt marshes in eastern Austria, the Fort file is based. Make sure that the network of Natura 2000 protection areas is improved and enhanced.

For an efficient use of the WWF Verordnung Schlägt, the establishment of a “Koördinatiestelle Biodiversität” is required, which should serve as a dividing point for all affected themes, belongings and interest groups. It is a fact that a lonely dating has emerged, which is all carried out in the process of the enterprise. “It is a pragmatic and unstructured organization that prevents a double and triple structure in the Bund and in the states,” says WWF expert Joschka Brangs.

Zusätzliche EU-Gelder abrufbar

All Mitgliedsstaats müssen bis 1. September 2026 een Wiederherstellungsplan voorlegen, der ihren Beitrag zu den Zielen des “Nature Restoration Law” Darstellt. “Austria can use up money from the EU budget with a flimsy financing plan and, in particular, undermine a project in the country’s economy. “The work environment and the natural safety of people, who grew up with different, unresolved consequences, but were also stiffened,” says Joschka Brangs from WWF Österreich.

Europe launched the “Nature Restoration Act” in the year 2030 on 20 days of World War II. Welfare projects will be changed, whereby the states can be separated on the basis of the concrete EU Regulation itself.