
Expanding into France and purchasing REKO Energie Bois (

Expanding into France and purchasing REKO Energie Bois (

16. Aug 2024

( Mit der Übernahme von REKO Energie Bois (REKO) tritt das Deutsche Unternehmen Zollikofer in den Ostfranzösischen Markt ein. REKO offers solutions for the energy conservation and is concerned with the treatment of the materials in the special market, especially in the care of the materials for biomass waste.

REKO, founded in 2007, is the result of a lifetime of construction work and trade in France. The daily life of 16 workers and workers and a wide range of products. With offices in Reding (Production Center, Production and Lagerplatz), Morville (Production and Lagerplatz) and Strasbourg (Production Center) with a yearly turnover of 120’000 tons, REKO plays a significant role in the Holz- and Biomassewirtschaft.

“This acquisition of REKO is a more strategically important decision for the Zollikofer, which will benefit the future of the market and the future of the future,” says Philipp Hill, Geschäftsführer bei Zollikofer.

With long-term inheritance in common
Frank Andlauer, leader of the forest at the zollikofer, is responsible for the operative management of REKO communities with the support and support of Maurice Schott. “Maurice Schott was not allowed to join the community either way or year, so she would be absent from Ruhestand. We shared our thoughts during this time, with our new orientation and future orientation,” says Frank Andlauer.

Text:, Quelle: Zollikofer

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