
Börse am Morgen: Ua mit Cisco, Metro, Walmart und US-Konjunkturdaten – Nord LB

Börse am Morgen: Ua mit Cisco, Metro, Walmart und US-Konjunkturdaten – Nord LB

I received a message in July about the US Einzelhandelssoms a strong Zuwachs with 1 0% M/M. Strong Absatzzahlen in the Automobilhäusern has a safe feeling. Here you would be a verzerrenden Sondereffekt spoken. It is a fact that the activities of the private house in the United States have been irregular. If you do this, but it is clear that you will have an offensive feeling during the Fed.

All reviews follow the positive sales figures of the NAHB Building Climate Index. With 39 months in August and a few months ago the Building Climate in the United States was reviewed again. Although the mortgage terms on the basis of speculation a seasonal sentiment so low are no longer any more, the index drops straight down. The most recent close: Potential real estate agents can keep their properties in the starting holes and now no longer be on the starting slide during a close of the Monetary Policy in September. The power of the Fed is not assumed!

The Zahl of the Erstanträge on Arbeitslosenhilfe in the USA sank in the last week by a staggering 7,000 to 227,000. Volkswirte rechneten im Schnitt met 235,000 Anträgen.

The vehicle price agricultural products in Germany was 3.2% higher in June than a year ago, while the form was more than 1.7%. The prices for product products range from 6.3% to 6.3% (average value potatoes: +31.7%), the prices for livestock and livestock equipment are 1.1%.

Day sauce tin

You can call on the American real estate market in eight days. The research on the results of the University of Michigan can be interesting. If you notice the costs of your purchase, the inflation figures of the private house are increased. These rules that stabilize the psychological value of 3%, were a good point of reference for the Notenbank in Washington. Zudem spoke nor Austen Goolsbee of the Chicago Fed.

Rental and promotional markets

The consumer market and the US ordered trade market data cover the international trade. The DAX eroberte de marke von 18,000 punkten back. It is clear that the probability is one of the main reasons that the US-Notenbank has executed a transaction under pressure. Entsprechend the display of US bonds and the German Bundesanleien. DAX +1.66%; MDAX +1.05%; TecDAX +1.47%; Dow Jones +1.39%; S&P 500 +1.61%; Nasdaq Comp. +2.34%.


Cisco Systems Benefits from New AI Boom. In the fourth quarter, the Umsatz went up 10% to USD 13.6 Bn. back, but the market reports. If you earned a price of USD 0.87, the stock has hired an analyst. For the active quarter, an amount of USD 13.65 Bn. and USD 13.85 Mr. as well as an EPS between USD 3.52 and USD 3.58 was put in view. Also, the decline of 7% all positions in the group was announced.

Metro was able to continue the positive trend in Q3 and achieved a plus of 3.4% bzw. heating and portfolio investment of 4.4%. In particular, the businesses in Eastern Europe and Russia should be here. The operating company lagged behind on the basic EBITDA with an amount of EUR 327 million. deficit at the previous year level (EUR 332 million). The outlook for the 2023/24 fiscal year would be the best.

The US single-hander Walmart rose 4.8% to USD 169.3 billion in the second quarter. The realized EBIT amounted to 7.2% at USD 7.9 billion. Der Gewinn je Aktie (EPS) was $0.67 (Vj.: 0.61). With the Veröffentlichung der Q2-Zahlen hob das Management auch de Jahresprognose an. Für das Gesamtjahr would now have an Umsatzwachstum of 3.75% to 4.75% (bisher: oberes Ende der Spanne from 3% to 4%) and an EPS of USD 2.35 to USD 2.43 (bisher: USD 2, 23 bis USD 2.37) in Aussicht.

Design and Rohstoffe

The sentiment speculation after the US economic data pushed the European Community appreciation downwards. The EUR is about a price of 1.10 USD with a price.

You profit from the American economies and know that you work with friendly greetings. Gleichzeitig will make sure that you find the next step in the East-East-Kurstreibend.

Disclaimer: This text is a column of North LB. The inhalation of the column by 4investors has not yet begun and it is no longer possible to work with the value of the 4investors-Edaktion überinstimmen. Your claim and statements were exaggerated by 4investors!
