
Starting Summer Dschungelcamp, where is Elena Miras?

Starting Summer Dschungelcamp, where is Elena Miras?

As one of the 13 “Legends” war is waged: Elena Miras. The 32-year-old age, like others from “Love Island” or “Das Sommerhaus der Stars”, comes from the first Dschungel style for ordentliche Krawall. When the anniversary of the RTL reality show is celebrated, it seems that Dschungelcamp begins, but in the first episode it is no longer so.

Auftakt des Summer Dschungelcamps

RTL has officially announced Miras for “I’m a Star – Showdown of Dschungel-Legenden” and Elena has her Vorfreude der Trash-Fans bereits in Vorfeld gegen Ex-boyfriend Mike Heiter (32) before he left, in the summer ausgabe Please send us more information about your loss.

But sometimes Zuschauerinnen and Zuschauer die, and again on August 15
RTL+ was the first follow-up stream (available from 20:15) or the Freitag on linear TV broadcasts, which women would see. Denn von Krawall candidate Elena Miras is not a Spur.

Elena Miras as Überraschungsgast in Dschungel

Statt der erwarteten 13 Promis – Darunter under other David Ortega, Sarah Knappik, Thorsten Legat, Kader Loth, Danni Büchner, Georgina Fleur and Eric Stehfest – were started so that they could see their own Teilnehmende insüdafrikanische Dschungelcamp.

Aylen’s mumbling – Dad is reality star Mike Heiter – has never been so old. For Elena Miras, the information on “” is a secret plan of RTL. You will first end up in the laurel of the camp staff, as a sister all over the world – for many hopefuls the light came as a shock.

An RTL speaker said on “”: “I am a legend jungle can pass everything. Elena Miras came to the camp for the first time. Why, that would no longer be an Überraschung for the stars …”

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