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Broken smartphone? It is wise to perform a double repair

Current on 16.08.2024 – 08:50 UhrReading time: 3 min.

Man repairs smartphoneEnlargement of the imagesZweite Chance: Another handy repair of your weld, don’t forget the environment, under your own money. (Quelle: Florian Schuh/dpa-tmn/dpa-bilder)

Many people have their smartphone safe but can repair it. Doch repairs are often a pleasure for your money and save money.

After one of the TÜV associations took action, a number of years now a part of the Bundesburger can repair a defective smartphone. The overview of the costs you make is larger than the repair costs.

If a mistake has been made, it may be that you yourself make a mistake or turn on your device: Replacement parts and instructions find that it takes no longer than on the Netz, if you take a direct step into the Hersteller.

We can do more repairs. If you are in a workshop, you can use an online service or a repairman. If you include an alternative to telephony, the workshop costs are of course not as big as the reanreichen of the German economy – it is worth charging.

If you are driving, the consumer protection portal “” has a driving plan with four tips:

The inside of the first few years after the purchase one should use the set warranty, also in case of defects the seller in the Pflicht take. As an alternative to removing the two years is so that the Manufacturer is not even free, nor voluntarily with a comprehensive warranty.

Claims relating to water damage or display damage on a debt that is not covered by the debts and that are not excluded from the repairer guarantee in the entire scheme.

If the seller or the repair service does not work or no longer works, a man can turn to a good and cheap boat – a few things in the net and at the workshops for Ort, other things are dealt with by the repair partner of the manufacturer.

One of the maintenance services for some models is most cleaning after a washing damage, which often costs 30 euros. For an amount of 50 euros there is a new chamber glass on offer. A new Akku price often costs 50 and 100 euros. At Display-Tausch landet man schnell at 100 Euro and more.

In the repair shop gilded ash, before they were rejected, was made and obgebenenfalls also in the appliance geschaut was soll. It is the best autumn cost – you can pay only 15 euros.

It is a piece that has become much more, an expert man is the best, it is a new or other negligible part of an original piece of trade. Letzteres are most suitable for the repair of iPhones. After Apple has made a new part and now activated it, this is original.

If a repair can take place, this is not the case. The phone must often be included in the work states or intervened. A backup is made with all important data and the associated problems (ready in the settings on the work stock). So no one can date or miss personally or wisely.

If you are handy, it is not possible to do the repair elsewhere, but you can also use some Repair Cafés. Here you will find professional or experienced Bastler with his know-how and tools on this page.

Gut zu erhalten: Citizens and citizens, who live in Thuringia, receive a sogenannten Reparaturbonus vom Land. The bonus amounts to 50 percent of the bets (gross) before repair. Maximum amount per person 100 Euro per calendar year. The gross receipt sum is approximately 50 euros. Please note that the necessary information for the Repair Cafe can be purchased after 25 euros.

You will also receive a repair bonus in cities such as Starnberg, Aschaffenburg and Miltenberg. In Berlin soll dieser Bonus from September 2024 versügbar sein.