
Einwanderungsgesellschaft: Schön, dass ihr da seid?

Einwanderungsgesellschaft: Schön, dass ihr da seid?

It is an anxious time. Many thousand people pack their Hab and Good and make their way to Berlin, Magdeburg or Halle, to Frankfurt, Cologne or Hamburg. Man has acquired civil rights in his country and now he follows the Ruf in another country. “If he has settled down in a city, he will gain the right to live, the other citizen will enjoy it”, the provincial governor claims. There is an unmistakably clear picture that not “the smallest problem, the right or the fraudulent indulgence” would last, but perhaps in the direction of “help, friendship, love and good knowledge” alone. If you come, there is no question of a guest, but the new citizen wants to come – with full civil rights.