
Ermittlungen weigh false single-bearing Abfälle at K+S Von dpa-AFX

Ermittlungen weigh false single-bearing Abfälle at K+S Von dpa-AFX

FULDA/KASSEL (dpa-AFX) – The Fulda State Attorney’s Office has investigated the falsification of the Abfällen in a work of the Kassel Düngemittelkonzerns K+S (ETR:) According to a press spokesperson of the State Attorney’s Office, which has given the Kassel Government President a criminal notice as a subsidiary mountain property, the illegal practices of a deviating organization have gone unnoticed by the demolition. This is the report of the “Hessisch/Niedersächsische Allgemeine” (HNA).

K+S is involved in the Grube Hattorf-Wintershall des Werks Werra near Philippsthal (Hersfeld-Rotenburg district) in an underlayment treatment. As time progresses that the group can prepare, the amount of the Abfälle will be kept in the range for a longer period, while the areas of the underlayment treatment are bordered, never themselves will be seen as a result of the welding. If the material is treated, the K+S is a mineral background that can be used from the house renovation, the versatile material in the Salzabbau is included in the kitchen.

The State Public Prosecution Service will be responsible for the investigation of four accused persons. Ihnen was zur Last gegt, Abfälle in einer Größenordnung von approximately 85.000 Tonnen in unzulässiger Weise außerhalb zuglassener Bereiche der Untertageverwertung Wintershall gegert zu haben. The Ermittlungen stand nor ganz am Anfang, erklärte the Sprecherin der Behörde. If you withdraw, it will no longer last a year before you withdraw.

K+S is ready to stop using the Ermittlungen

K+S erklärte, man was no longer accepted by the Staatsanwaltschaft laufend Ermittlungen. “From this point of view, the first material is still a matter of time for the benefit of people or the environment”, said a press speaker. The used material must be taken out of use so that the unused products and their distribution can be used. If you see jewelry in the corrects and rules of the technique, we can do a few things.

For the restoration of the ordnungsgemäßen Zustands in the Untertageverwertung in the Grube Hattorf-Wintershall, the Konzern in Austausch with the sister Behörden. “K+S becomes more transparent with the associated combinations,” so the Sprecher.