
Ungewohnliches Angebot: Heidi Klum and Tom Kaulitz and spicy Strandgelandet

Ungewohnliches Angebot: Heidi Klum and Tom Kaulitz and spicy Strandgelandet

Sun, Beach and Lake! Heidi Klum and Tom Kaulitz spent their first love in the Karibik. Black post the two photos and video clips. A Geschichte has Kaulitz first put on the back in the Heimat. The Tokio-Hotel-Star and my wife have become one of the few Angebots. A Fremder wants to load a Dreier.

Nackte Haut und Zweisamkeit: Heidi Klum and Tom Kaulitz in Liebesurlaub

On August 3, Heidi Klum and Tom Kaulitz celebrate during the Hochzeitstag. Before you continue years with the couple on a hunt for Ja-Wort. Jetzt both travel on the Karibikinsel Saint-Barth – one of the most beloved -, a kind of Auszeit zu gonnen. With target values ​​and more, most people fell together in the Urlaub.

We watch the model mom’s offensive in an unmoral moment of fear and anxiety. Tom Kaulitz reported his Zwillingsbruder Bill in the podcast “Kaulitz Hills – Senf from Hollywood” of the außergewöhnlichen begegnung. “Wir were an einem windigen Tag an einem riesigen Strand”, began the Erzählung.

Skurrile Begegnung in der Karibik: “There is something to be said”

Es seien veldleicht 20 Leute an dem Strand gewesen – “weit verteilt auf fell Metern”, so of the 34 years. Dann says: “Heidi and I beobachteten irgendwann einen types, of such comical force majeure. We thought: ‘Was the power of that? Was tanzt of that?’ It is a mix of taekwondo or jiu-jitsu, so it is an art camp sport.”

If you look at the glücklich, some people will notice that they are increasingly demonstrations of push-up exercises for their greater strength. “Also, there is a great power. There is power over this situation, but it is over the entire beach,” says Tom Kaulitz in the situation.

“Wir sind Gaffer”: Heidi Klum and his Ehemann could not be ignored

The way the frequency is treated is a “Sexstellungen” reminder, “if würde is a etwas vorführen”. Most of Heidi Klum and Ihr Ehemann are one of them. Zuvor hatte Kaulitz bereits im Podcast-zugegeben: “Wir sind Gaffer.” Irgendwann, thus the Tokyo-Hotel-Star, would then have crumpled the Blicke van de Paares with the men.

After a few things, when the beach began to learn, Heidi Klum and his hour Ehemann went on the road and in a local zum Abendessen wechseln. If you see the chance to seize the opportunity, before you have the beach-relieved kunnten, then come to you. Tom Kaulitz reported, this is an excerpt: “Seid ihr Swinger?”

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Versehentlich am Swinger-Strand gelandet: “Wollte uns für Dreier einladen”

“Der war dann irgendwie ganz nett, aber kam dann really rüber and wollte us kurz für so einen Dreier einload. Ob wer denn jetzt hätten?”, quick Kaulitz for the Podcast-Hörer zeeammen. The natural power of the male musician is so obvious that there are no more three things for the two.

Do you want to know if the stranger is now on this idea? Quite simply: The dancers explain that the beach is normally used for such meetings. If you can no longer see your problem, it is not possible. The horchte Bill Kaulitz said: “That finds it exciting. I may just have to go to the beach.” For Heidi Klum and his Tom we go to the restaurant.