
Gewalt against Frauen: Start im Jugendalter

Gewalt against Frauen: Start im Jugendalter


A new study from the WHO said: Gewaltbereitschaft gegen Frauen began meist in der Jugend. Weltweit has 24 Prozent der 15- to 19-year-old Mädchen Mishandlungen durch mannliche Partner erlitten. The upgrade focuses on the area in Styria and until there are more Zielgruppen.

“Walked by the intimate partner is a major problem with the welfare and human rights that occur in all states. More than 27 days of the woman in the change from 15 to 49 years, when the beliefs began, there were opportunities to be rolled by the intimate partner. 13 Prozent has spent the years in recent years, so Lynn Marie Sardinha of the WHO-Genf, and her co-author in ‘Lancet Child & Adolescent Health’.

Frauenhäuser Steiermark on TikTok

Scientists conduct a special analysis using information from the World Health Organization (WHO) databases of the alternative group of 15- to 19-year-old girls. After the carers are estimated of experienced physical or sexual relationships during the intimate partner of 15- to 19-year-olds, women in 24 percent. I am ago this value was at 16 percent.

Study rate must in Austria zwolle Percent of 15- to 19-year-olds physical or sexual violence by a male intimate partner ertragen. Innerhalb is dedicated to producing a young young dish for a year. The Switzerland lies with six or three percent better. For Germany it is one of the most important study information. The upgrade is aimed at engaging young Soul groups, so if you use the Frauenhäuser in Steiermark, go to other people on TikTok active.

Sie sind von Gewalt affected?

Are you sure you are going to be lost? Do you like it in Gefahr? Then understand the police 133 or the Euronotruf 112. Recording and deliberating in the women’s house is one of the most likely things you can do: 0800/202017

Schutzfaktoren: Bildung en Erbrecht

The most common factors on the global economy are one of the largest debt burdens among young women and a problem, both have arisen. Additionally, children are led to greater violence and young women.

The problem did not remain with Armut sisters – in the state with a high gross production product of young women who were physically or sexually aroused by the intimate partner. In the Asia-Pacific region, 16 young women suffer Mishandlungen. In Western Europe, the percentage is 18 percent, in North America, 19 percent.