
Munich heute – Nachrichten vom 16.08.2024 – Munich

Munich heute – Nachrichten vom 16.08.2024 – Munich


Wo, please, is this the owner of the Hauptbahnhof? Who arrives in Munich with the train, must first orientate himself. Weighing the construction plans is a narrow and uninterested cow around the train. Darunter Leiden Travelers – and the taxi driver. (SZ Plus)

Coldplay arranges Liebesgrüße and Adele At their first concert in Munich, the band delivers an assault of light orgies, a dominant tension and zhlreichen pop hits. One of the routine solo shows shows individual moments. (SZ Plus)

Der Mann, der Adeles Wunderwelt erschaffen hat Pop-up arena for just seven concerts, 200-meter leinwand, newly built pub: Who comes up with just one idea? Who Florian Wieder is, what he should do – and with whatever argument, is the British world star from Munich. (SZ Plus)

Mieter in Fürstenried wehren sich gegen zu hehe Abrechnung der Nebenkosten Bereits zum zweiten Mal in Folge since the Forderungen der Hausverwaltung fell so high and opaque. Eine Forderung nach Belegeinsicht blieb bislang ergolglos. Nun stops a small part of the Zahlungen zurück.

Justitia sees wohl sechs Jahre verspätet um As of 2026, Munich’s criminal justice system and the state prosecutors will be held in the Neubau am Leonrodplatz. Der Grund für die Verzögerung? On the other hand a Keller, completely with Waffen and Bombs.


Unexpected incident on the Innsbruck Ring Police car and BMW stoßen sisterammen – four Verletzte

Concert in Munich Nach Auseinandersetzung mit Ordner: Adele-Fan kan Krankenhaus wieder verlassen


SZ-PlusFamily tour through the Ebersberger Forst

:Grunzalarm in the Fichtenwald

The Ebersberger Forst is a bisschen with a surplus: tensions, tensions and much more are played. If you are going on a trip, come with the whole family at your expense.

Von Karin Kampwerth and Peter Hinz-Rosin

SZ-PlusDoor hanger in the Technoclub

:“It’s not worth it. Simply not.”

Alina Rauch works as a Türsteherin in the Munich Club Rote Sonne. The age of 22 is no longer applicable to a discussion, but it is a matter of provocation. When we are separated, we go on and are no more.

From Sophia Coper


Ayinger in the Au

:Brunch in the beer garden

Sonntags frühstückt man im Ayinger in der Auer direkt am Auer Mühlbach unterm Kastanienbaum. The separation between the heavy and the final is not good.

By Sarah Maderer

Restaurants in Munich | Bars in Munich | Frühstück and brunch

To the districts: Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen | Dachau | Ebersberg | Erding | Freising | Fürstenfeldbruck | Munich | Starnberg