
A trip to Lake Geneva

A trip to Lake Geneva

Der Geneva, der largest See Europas, lies largely in Switzerland and Switzerland. This long, blue, unknown Banana is fast to reach the parts of both countries. For Switzerland it is Nordufer and both die from Enden, for Frankreich das Südufer. Die Grenze verläuft in der Mitte. If you see, the Stolz der Franzosen, aber auch der Waadtländer, can be learned from the Luft, to the Land or in the Wasser. Im Zentrum der Attraktionen offers an overview of the possibilities in the Alps, Küstenstädte, Denkmäler and Weinberge.

One of these attractions is the Waadtländer Riviera, the romantic Kulisse for the entire Schloss Chillon, the Schauplatz of Rousseau’s Epistolary novel “La Nouvelle Héloïse”. It became Dorf Yvoire in the Haute-Savoie or the Weinberge des Lavaux Swiss Vevey and Lutry are even more Ausflugsziele. A small tour through Switzerland and France.