
Patrick Reimer bittet in Nuremberg zum Abschiedsspiel

Patrick Reimer bittet in Nuremberg zum Abschiedsspiel

Sein Trikot remained hanging for a long time under the Hallendach in Nuremberg, the Feuertaufe in his new job as head coach U18-Bundestrainer had a big lead on the Hlinka-Gretzky-Cup, while Landsknecht was the Mittelalterlichen Frundsbergfest in the Geburtsstadt Mindelheim on a gefürchteter Ge sale. Now is the time for Patrick Reimer who played in 1089 for a year and DEL-Match with a farewell game played from the Eishockeybühne as Spieler is played.

A Samstag bittet of the German Silbermedaillenhero of Pyeongchang 2018 was one of the most evil Mitstreiter and Freunde zum letzten Duell. And black Dorthin, among whom Number 17 of the 41-year DEL-Rekordtorjägers owns an Ehrenplatz: In the Nürnberger Eisarena starting at 14 Uhr the Team Ice Tigers against Team DEG & Friends and – for the Klubs from Nürnberg and Düsseldorf sweet Reimer in the DEL with beeindruckenden Statistics op. Dreimal (2014, 2016 and 2017) is the best player in the Liga gewählt.

NHL star Dany Heatley laughs

The example is the advance that both Reimer-Teams hats make. The former NHL-Starspieler Dany Heatley left another with the ex-Icetigers-Torjägern Leo Pföderl and Yasin Ehliz as Heimteam. Patrick Reimers Bruder Jochen comes extra from the USA. The ex-Ingolstad is a goalkeeper for both men in the closet. For Düsseldorf the DEG legends Rob Collins, Daniel Kreutzer or Uli Hiemer are active, as well as the other Olympia-Helden Frank Hördler and Michael Wolf with their experiences – who else.

Sondertrikots were rescued and strengthened

Of course it is a special collection of fans, of the three jerseys – for each a pair – who are a little liberated, of the strengthened movement, who will lead the company as an entrepreneur. Cards for Reimers Spiel are still in the Tageskasse. Laut den Ice Tigers were gone during the Donnerstag with 5000 tickets.
