
Viel Prominenz at the Opening in KKL,

Viel Prominenz at the Opening in KKL,

Opening Lucerne Festival

Bundesratsgattin Tracy Jans: “I think it’s a compliment if I achieve my new goal”

Be proud of yourself at the festival at the KKL before the start of the Lucerne Festival. The popular motto «Neugier» inspired the guests completely openly. So hatten etwas exciting things to come.

A report from a hot spot of Swiss high culture dares to start with a Goethe-Zitat: “If you’re not curious, you’ll experience nothing!” That was the motto of the last Lucerne Festival’s prominent guests. Make sure you can use a few nice clothes and handbags that most people would smoke black and incompletely. Of course, Neugier fell in Kopf.