
MÄRKTE USA/Wall Street marches after the Rally nor a Stück weiter | 16.08.24

MÄRKTE USA/Wall Street marches after the Rally nor a Stück weiter | 16.08.24

NEW YORK (Dow Jones)–The American stocks in the free time are no longer lapping. Wall Street marks its best week in years. On the market you can call on an American bank in a recession that has a German dampening. The certainty of the recession was established in September, when for September only a smaller trend of 25 basis points was announced. One of the most important trading dates is that the Vortag a rally is launched and propped up on his Wednesday evening. “The American economy has a solid growth of the single trading sums, that the Fed at the time of the divorce in September but the Zinsen sent a four percent as a half percent,” said Comerica Bank chief Bill Adams.

The Dow Jones index has a value of 0.2 percent at 40,660 points, S&P-500 and Nasdaq-Composite have fallen to a value of 0.2 percent. There are then 1,775 (Thursday: 2,167) course winners and 1,031 (644) -losers surpassed. Unchanged finish 60 (59) Title. The conjunctural data of the days give in the active picture and the nicer arguments for a parts of sentences if there is a re-establishing resolution. When construction starts and is generated in the US, it seems that the consumer has a conjucturellen lichtblick. When the US consumer started thinking about August deutlicher, there was a deterioration. The inflation warnings of consumption are no longer possible. The US consumer plays a closing role for the US economy.

Explain it slightly

On the bond market I see that the display is volatile, the trading results at Aktien have become lighter. The real estate data are being pushed by the display. The positive consumer sentiment has inhibited the Abwärtsbewegung der Renditen. There is a war going on over the interests of the American Secretary of State as vermeintliche roads through the military escalation in the east of the country. When the active terrorist soldiers in Lebanon hated, the propaganda activists hated the Waffenarsenals and their bunker layers and Israel erneut with an evil spirit.

In the US dollar, speculation on sentiments is noticeable, the dollar index is 0.5 percent after. The gold price is paid on the spot market with 2,509.48 dollars for a price that is no more. Grateful use is made of the significance of the US note bank in September. This coating is of the meaningless precious metal. But also the weak greenback half. Also on the market of strengthened purchases by the Chinese private army was reported. Also the sailing risk with a view to the East near Wednesday was generated as a basis for the price increase of precious metals. A military struggle of Iran and a ship that has left the Hisbollah in Israel, will no longer be ruled out.

Time Gold teurre wurde, sank der Erdölpreis deutlich nach de Vortagesaufschlägen. The market will be concerned with stopping nachfragesorgen for everything with Blick in China. Zudem comb a waffenruhe in Gaza-Krieg offenbar Bewegung at the treatise. US President Joe Biden speaks of Forward Strides. Oil prices can react strongly to the Second World War, we will see an escalation of supply passes.

Applied materials under pressure

Below the Einzelwaarden gaben Applied Materials 1.9 Perzent nach. Here the use of a role played. This part of the world has a great influence on the enormous size of the problems that can yield a higher level and a higher return. Marktakteure has a robust appearance, this is so.

The US registration with Texas Instruments (-0.7%) has been valued at $4.6 billion in the form of Zuschüssen and Darlehen for the construction of three new Halbleiterfabriken in Texas and Utah with Verfügung. Analysts have said that the Gesellschaft ihre Investitionen became herunterfahren. Dies deute af een nachlassende Nachfrage hin, hieß es.

The American pharmaceutical Pfizer (-1.4%) and the Mainzer Biontech (-2.4%) have followed a large clinical study with new imfstoff candidates against Covid-19 and grippe verfehlt. The combination of the combined substance candidates has entered a phase 3 study in one of the two endpoints.

H&R Block schossen um 12.1 Prozent in the Höhe. The Unterstützer von Steuererklärungen wartete with Quartalszahlen and ausblick oberhalb der Marktwartungen auf.


INDEX will be +/- % absolute +/- % YTD

DJIA 40,659.76 +0.2% 96.70 +7.9%

S&P-500 5,554.25 +0.2% 11.03 +16.5%

Nasdaq Comp. 17,631.72 +0.2% 37.22 +17.5%

Nasdaq-100 19,508.52 +0.1% 18.38 +15.9%

US construction

Laufzeit Rendite Bp to VT Rendite VT +/-Bp YTD

2 years 4.05 -3.7 4.09 -36.5

5 years 3.76 -2.8 3.79 -24.2

7 years 3.80 -2.6 3.82 -17.4

10 years 3.88 -2.9 3.91 0.2

30 years 4.14 -3.0 4.17 16.9

DISCOVER ZULETZT +/- % Fri, 8:10 Thu, 5:20 % YTD

EUR/USD 1.1024 +0.5% 1.0985 1.0987 -0.2%

EUR/JPY 162.80 -0.6% 163.65 163.63 +4.6%

EUR/CHF 0.9555 -0.2% 0.9573 0.9570 +3.0%

EUR/GBP 0.8517 -0.2% 0.8527 0.8539 -1.8%

USD/JPY 147.67 -1.1% 148.98 148.91 +4.8%

GBP/USD 1.2944 +0.7% 1.2883 1.2867 +1.7%

USD/CNH (foreign) 7.1615 -0.3% 7.1767 7.1768 +0.5%


BTC/USD 59,681.20 +3.6% 58,297.35 59,654.20 +37.1%

ROHÖL jijetzt VT-Settlem. +/- % +/- USD % YTD

WTI/Nymex 76.76 78.16 -1.8% -1.40 +7.6%

Brent/ICE 79.80 81.04 -1.5% -1.24 +5.9%

GAS VT Settlement +/- EUR

Dutch TTF 39.43 39.65 -0.6% -0.22 +21.9%

METALLE jijetzt Vortag +/- % +/- USD % YTD

Gold (Spot) 2,508.72 2,456.48 +2.1% +52.24 +21.6%

Silver (Spot) 28.98 28.43 +2.0% +0.56 +21.9%

Platinum (Spot) 957.24 957.50 -0.0% -0.26 -3.5%

Copper Future 4.16 4.15 +0.1% +0.01 +5.4%

YTD cared about Schlussstand des Vortags


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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 16, 2024 4:14 PM ET (8:14 PM GMT)