
Eine Feier der Sinne: Tequila, Rum and Gin in Vienna

Eine Feier der Sinne: Tequila, Rum and Gin in Vienna

On September 20 and 21, 2024, the Wiener Ottakringer Brauerei will be a paradise for lovers of spirit and culinary Genüssen.

Three high festivals, the best from Mexico, the Caribbean and Europe together, bring the atmosphere to an unprecedented experience. Under the motto “Tequila, Taco & Mariachi”, “Vienna Rum Festival” and “Gin Market meets Aperitivo” guests can eintauchen in the World of Tequila, Rum and Gin, enjoy excellent music and a wide range of culinary cuisine.

Tequila, Taco & Mariachi: A Hommage to Mexico

During the festival “Tequila, Taco & Mariachi” the first power in Vienna is a statistical find and the Mexican culture in a lonely, colorful way. Nicolas Hold, Managing Director of the Veranstalters HSG Events, is such a Ziel-gesetzt, the Österreichern the facettenreiche Welt of the Tequilas not back. “Tequila is one of the most exciting spiritual experiences in the world and an international faith. This country can be considered the leader of our products, but it is so that exciting parts of the product can be made”, explains Hold.

The tequila, which is extracted from the core of the blue agave, is more like a schnapps – there is a culture in Mexico. The Festival offers a unique location that is spiritual in spirit: from Blanco, the clear and undifferentiated variant, to the Extra Añejo, the long reift and the intensive Aromen prägt ist. But the Festival goes further than Tequila. Those who are interested can enjoy the best tacos whose friends bring traditional Mariachi music to the Mexican lifestyle of Wien. Für fell is een kleine Ausflug nach Mexiko, ohne die Stadt zu verlassen.

Viennese Rum Festival: Eine Reise in die Karibik

Parallel to the Tequila Festival during the Vienna Rum Festival, the premiere will take place in the year 2016 with a large Rumevent Europas Rerangewachsen ist. The Viennese re-establishment assortment that establishes itself as a hotspot for rum lovers and sees every international guest gives a chance to brand ambassadors, who get an idea of ​​the regeneration and development of the rum that is being served.

Rum, one of the most tests and many spiritual experiences of the world, was won by Zuckerrohr and got an enormous high value. Whether Rhum Agricole, from the fresh dairy-zuckerrohrsaft hergestellt wird, or from the spiced rum, which is sold with exotic spices – the Vienna Rum Festival is the ideal place, one of those variations on the deck and the costs. The Festival schafft es, the caribbean Flair glove in the Austrian capital to bring. With a caribbean bar, artful cocktails and the stimulating tropical garden they were served in another world.

Gin market meets Aperitivo: Ein Streifzug through Europe

For fans of gins and aperitifs, the “Ginmarkt meets Aperitivo” can be offered on a platform, one of the feinheiten that are there to take care of it. Gin, by the Vielfalt seiner Botanicals besticht, can have a remarkable brand experience in recent years. Auf dem Wiener Festival presents national and international restorers in new credits. From classic London Dry Gin to innovative variants with exotic aromas – here you will find Gin-Liebhaber his personal highlights.

Somewhere with the Angebot during an Auswahl and Fillern and Aperitifs, which are such summer Lebensgefühl bis in the month of September in the spring. The tasty drinks are served by a food area, in the ausgewählte food trucks, culinary köstlichkeiten zbereiten. The magic is a great height, the various gins and aperitifs in a quiet atmosphere of the mind, accompanied by a live DJ, for the appropriate musical relaxation.

A woman full of Genuss and Culture

These three festivals are no longer a platform for spiritual relaxation, but are a feier of cultural joie de vivre and joie de vivre. The combination of Tequila, Rum and Gin, combined with culinary specialties and powerful music, power of the woman in the Ottakringer Brauerei with an unparalleled experience. Egal, as the woman of the Mexican Aromen, the holy Brise of Karibik or the feine Eleganz Europa experiences – here everyone comes at his expense.

The tickets for this spectacle are very attractive and the sales figures are rated with a high quality. If you charge the sales costs, while the e-registrations are expanded, you can ensure that other Jetons are accepted, a bandbreite of angebotene spirituoses that you can learn. If we the terrace of the brauerei zum verweilen, wo the guest of the atmosphere gets a free atmosphere, it is wonderful to enjoy the terrace.