
Tag der Trinkhallen: Die Ballerbude in Oer-Erkenschwick – Heimatliebe

Tag der Trinkhallen: Die Ballerbude in Oer-Erkenschwick – Heimatliebe

It has cult status. Since 2020 Trinkhallen in Nordrhein-Westfalen immaterielles Kulturerbe. Consideration of the corresponding Ministerium for Culture and Science with their social responsibility, their central role: “Drinking halls are typically meeting points with an important function for socializing and establishing integration and austinization.

The power over the Ballerbude in Oer-Erkenschwick is not Ausnahme. If it is more of a burden, the sunntag will no longer be used by Abendessen. It is not so bad with the Miteinander. Schon über 30 Years is the Ballerbude, the because in a living area lies. Karabulut betreibt the Kiosk his new year. If you want, it is worth to earn your money. “The Job has to work with the machine here“, you say. This installation is carried out within your capabilities.

Here it is, when a man is a relative.
Torsten, Stammkunde der Ballerbude

Drinnen loaded in a Nebenraum zwei Spielautomaten, a Dartscheibe and a larger Fernseher zum Zeitvertreib ein. Der Lieblingsplatz von Stammkunde Udo Tottmann. Don’t mess with dear Teddy. Furthermore, there is a growing interest in the Ballerbude zur Tradition: “When I’m home, I’m everything. That’s nice. Here’s the Unterhaltung.

Look for Lothar is the Ballerbude with a second Wohnzimmer. There is one of the two wooden braunen in front of the kiosk, a quiet beer and it is not possible to talk to others. There can be understand, wieso viele immer wieder hierherkommen: “So a Bude, that is Culture!

Own wall for genealogy

Karabulut said he had more than 40 Stammkunden. We spent the party of the day, a day in the Ballerbude bowls. And if you don’t know, then only with Ankündigung: “Heute Morgen has a genealogy experience that is in the Krankenhaus“, erzählt de Kioskbesitzerin and klingt dabei bisschen stolz. “Always log in.”

It is not that there is a problem with the Stammkunden zu Schatzen. It is possible that photos are taken with a wooden vertäfelten Wand. If you see that you have a common experience with your knowledge. That Wand works quickly in a family album.

Die Ballerbude is more like a kiosk in the nachbarschaft. When the supermarket is closed, this is a place for Austausch, Gemeinschaft and a Kult.

This topic is on 16.08.2024 on WDR-Fernsehen message set: Lokalzeit aus Dortmund, 7.30 pm.