
The True Story of Elton John – 3sat

The True Story of Elton John – 3sat

The British singer was born in 1947 when Reginald Kenneth Dwight was born in Londoner Vorort Pinner. Als de Musikstudium schreibt is snel alle lieder met de songwriter Bernie Taupin. This series was released by Elton John in 1970 in Durchbruch. There is talk of an album “Elton John” and the first hit “Your Song”.

Extravagant clothing outfits and extravagant glasses were made on the market. I have Karriere lands with Elton John a hit on others – there are songs like “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart” or “I’m Still Standing”. In the 1980s, Steigt was one of the most important music players of all time on. You can get a large amount of money in your life – a long breath and the long tension that you can see when you hit the star.

1985 with the singer of King Elizabeth II. zum Ritter geschlagen – seitdem is sich Sir Elton John nennen. 1991 was founded by Freund Freddie Mercury, Frontmann von Queen, and Aids. Daraufhin was founded by the “Elton John AIDS Foundation”. After many turbulent years, Elton John found his private career in 2014, his heir was long-term Lebenspartner David Furnish. In 2010 and 2013 both Eltern of two Söhnen died, who were left behind by a Leihmutter.

It is the music of Elton John that follows: with young artists with Dua Lipa and Britney Spears there are remixes that release songs, which are in the top of the charts and win a new generation of fans. Ans Aufhören does not think about it – obwohl is ready since 2018 on a farewell tour ist. In the summer of 2023 the concert of the “Farewell” tour will be over.

Film by Jordan Hill