
Ukraine-Krieg action: Panzer attack ends in disaster for Putin

Ukraine-Krieg action: Panzer attack ends in disaster for Putin

The fear of Vladimir Putin’s troops remains End. Video material in Netz said that it was a Russian shield tank in an attack on the attack and suddenly itself zur zielscheibe worden.

  • Was I Ukraine-War what is important at the moment
  • Always a Putin-Truppen-Rückschläge
  • Video said Einschlag: Schildkröten-Panzer flies in the Luft

Was my Ukraine-Krieg active: Running a woman asks the Ukrainian army in Russia to deploy its own enterprise for more Ortschaften in the Gebiet Kursk business. In a conversation with Kremlchef Vladimir Putin Alexei Smirnov, governor of the region, has pushed the Ukrainian armed forces to a width of 40 kilometers from the border to 12 kilometers deep in the Kursker area. Ukrainian springs spoke from about 30 kilometers deep. A hanging is not possible.

Vladimir Putin has been leading the war against Ukraine since February 2022 and is stopping time with a funnel in the neighboring country. Ukraine is still busy with the Russian troops from the state territory and the terms for persistent peace.

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Video said Einschlag: Putin’s Schildkröten-Panzer flies in the Luft

Documentation about the events in the Ukraine-War often with front videos. There are other people who have placed a message about the messages of Putin and Truppen in this message. Jetzt could carry out an unglazed Aufnahmen action in Netz. So you see, who the Ukraine-Truppen after the geschiiterten of the Russian Panzerangriffs on Lypzi (Oblast Kharkiw) quickly back.

  • A Reihe kurzer Clips on Kurznachrichtendienst
  • In rapid succession according to the Ukrainian forces 92. The military forces would hit a single Panzer and be set in fire, where they would be exposed to explosions.
  • In a video, Putin is seen tearing out of the armored vehicles’ boxes as the Kiew Truppen come into view.

What man should consider: The Ukraine War is being aired on the Internet, with Propaganda Mitteln on both pages. It is possible that the film material cannot be verified.

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