
Regionalliga Ost – 3:1 against Donaufeld! Oberwart holds the first Saisonsieg

Regionalliga Ost – 3:1 against Donaufeld! Oberwart holds the first Saisonsieg

Oberwart – Donaufeld 3:1. The third run in the East League is one of the most important features of Donaufeld: Donaufeld – with four points from two games that are perfect in the Meisterschaft that has started – came in the information stadium. Oberwart had two points in the account after two games. Speaking of which, the Plassnegger-Men had agreed on the first Saisonsieg.

The Heimelf starts playing and plays after 18 minutes for the matches. Lukas Ried brought Oberwart into Führung. For the Flügelspieler war, the seasons of the seasons, such as Gloggnitz and the Wiener Sport-Club schrieb Ried. Oberwart rettetete die Führung in Folge in de Pause, mustste nach dem Wiederanpfiff aber the first and last Gegentreffer des Tages hinnehmen.

After an Eckball had given the ball a friend and a friend, he let Antonio Babic through. The Donaufelder zog wuchtig ab – keine Chance for Christopher Stadler in SVO-Tor (60.).

Master Engineer takes care of the Vorentscheidung

Oberwart can find one of the fitting answers in the repertoire. Csaba Mester provides an absolute pleasure for the two goals. Mister called on a free time of the Mittellinie Donaufeld-Keeper Tobias Bencsics. The ball flog über de ehemaligen Oberwarter drüber perfekt ins Gehäuse – 2:0 (74.).

Only four minutes later the final divorce. Lukas Zapfel was perfect in the free Raum, while he looked through Bencsics at a lie of the little Chance. The guests can no longer continue their game, Oberwarts first season siege was finally in dry ditches.

“Meinung nach war is ein sehrgutes Ostliga-Spiel und Donaufeld war der erwartet starke Gegner en diesmal haben die Nuancen für uns schieden”, bilanzierte Sportoordinator Peter Lehner. The order of the decision is extremely difficult: “Nach three games war das schon eine small Richtungsvorgabe. No matter how lost we are, we can still punk with two things, jetzt is a nice Zähler and that’s true.”


SV Klöcher Bau Oberwart – SR Donaufeld 3:1 (1:0).-

Torfolge: 1:0 (18.) Ried, 1:1 (60.) Babic, 2:1 (74., Freistoß) Mester, 3:1 (78.) Zapfel.

Yellow cards: Mester (45th, Criticism), Stadler (54th, Unsportsmanlike), Polster (56th, Foul), Ried (58th, Unsportsmanlike), Radostits (88th, Unsportsmanlike); Schneider (45th, Foul), Gatti (45th, Criticism), Apollonio (56th, Unsportsmanlike), Van Zaanen (80th, Criticism), Holzer (80th, Criticism), Mandl (84th, Foul).

SR: Karner.- Information stadium, 500.

Upper: Stadler; Farkas, Woth, Pfeiffer, Schutti (76. Schwarz); Wessely, Polster; Radostits, Ried; Mester (84. Halper), Lemmerer (69. Zapfel).

Danube Field: Banks; Gatti, Apollonio, Tomp, Schneider, Babic, Van Zaanen, Petkovic, Holzer, Gerstl (70. Mandl), Wolf (82. Firiaridis).