
Sozialdemokraten: Trümper: “In the SPD, important issues were discussed”

Sozialdemokraten: Trümper: “In the SPD, important issues were discussed”

The Frühere Magdeburger Oberbürgermeister Lutz Trümper has given the SPD Landesspitze a false priority. «In der SPD were which Themen kaum discutiert», said Trümper (SPD) of the «Magdeburger Volksstimme» (Samstag). «Und your citizens are happy in the end: The way they work, it was wollen.» People have all taken into account the themes of inflation, migration and Ukraine-Krieg, so Trümper.

If you sign out of the community and the European Union in June, you can spend more time on a short attack on a new start of the party. There is a war going on in which the personal interests of the staff have increased. In addition to the fact that the Landtagsabgeordnete Elrid Pasbrig explained, at the Party Day in October the time of the Landesreiszenden Juliane Kleemann and Andreas Schmidt herauszuorderern.

Trümper demands course corrections. “For migrant workers and other asylum seekers, the citizen’s money is paid for a maximum of one year,” he says. If you still don’t have a job, you have to come back. “It can’t be that you have a citizen’s money cashier for 22 years. If you don’t get tough, you don’t get any more money. That’s a goldmine for German citizens.”

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