
Technoparade: Party Demo “Rave The Planet” starts in Berlin

Technoparade: Party Demo “Rave The Planet” starts in Berlin

The Technoparade «Rave the Planet» with Loveparade founder Dr. Motte is present Berlin started. Traveling since the day of June 17. Etliche People are neither on the Road to the Party Demo anymore from Brandenburg Gate and Victory Column in Tiergarten.

Let us speak to others about Dr. Motte, der mit citizen Names Matthias Roeingh heißt. When you see Hass and Gewalt, the motto is ‘Love is stronger’. Minister of Culture Claudia Roth (Grüne) organized an Audio-Grußbotschaft. “Techno is more like Krach” and sees an elemental component of Berliner Kulturszene. “Rave knows no memories, no history and no social status.”

30 Parade float and 300 Künstlerinnen and Künstler are ready to create the Veranstalter dabei. Laut Police 300,000 people were there. The police cover the destruction of their own homes with around 1,000 Einsatzkräften. Weighing of the parade arises from the prevention. The S- and U-Bahnhof Brandenburger Tor is a major road closure, with the Police Center.

The Party-Demo will be for Frieden, Liebe and for the Schutz der electronic Tanzmusikkultur einstehen. Be sure to use the Schutz van Clubs und Veranstaltungssorten and «Abrüstung auf all Ebenen».

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