
Schusters Pflichtspiel-Debüt as Coach glückt – SC Freiburg siegt in Osnabrück – SC Freiburg

Schusters Pflichtspiel-Debüt as Coach glückt – SC Freiburg siegt in Osnabrück – SC Freiburg


In October 2021, the SC Freiburg will have an Elfmeterschießen, um the VfL Osnabrück in the DFB-Pokal auszuschalten – it is the second station on the Road in the Final. 2024 lauft is more fun.

Torjubel an der Bremer Brücke: Freiburg’s Torschütze Lucas Höler (left) scored a goal with 0:1 with Bruno Ogbus. Photo: Friso Gentsch (dpa)


SC Freiburg has taken care of the first season game of the 2024/25 season and is the winner of the second round of the DFB-Pokals. The stadium and the Bremer Brücke besieges the Freiburger in the Saturday afternoon of VfL Osnabrück with 4:0. The Tore sees Höler, Grifo and Adamu (2).

Osnabrück vergibt seine Großchancen, Freiburg nutzt sie

The duel between the Drittligisten in Niedersachsen and the Bundesliga-Vertreter in South Baden was the first Pflichtspiel in the year 2011, with the Chief Coach of the Freiburger never Christian Streich. A New Trainer Julian Schuster war is a stand on the maß: The sports club gives an effective chance and lies after the 2:0 half-time lead nothing more time.

Allerdings: If Lucas Höler (30.) and Vincenzo Grifo (34.) were within four minutes of their relationship, they could enjoy their favorite moments. Osnabrück vergab seine Großchancen, Freiburg nutzte sie: Das war voor 15.741 Zuschauern der Unterschied.

Ogbus and Rosenfelder in der Startelf

The long-time SC-Pro Schuster saw the coach Streich in the summer after his Zölfeinhalb years as Freiburg-Coach abgelöst. Freiwerdende Couples are determined internally – that is now the case after 39 years of age as a responsible Trainer consistently. So 18-year-old Bruno Ogbus and 21-year-old Max Rosenfelder were drafted into the Abwehr. Both were incorporated into their own Nachwuchsabteilung ausgebildet.

At Bundesliga level, the Freiburgers erreichten een Woche voor dem ersten Spiel against VfB Stuttgart aber noch nicht. The energetic and energetic flow of the sports club can be a long-term problem.

Der Liveticker (author: Patrick Röttele) zum Nachlesen:

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