
Lufthansa Flight Direction Tokyo Returns to Hours to Munich to Munich

Lufthansa Flight Direction Tokyo Returns to Hours to Munich to Munich

MUNICH/FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) – A Lufthansa flight to Tokyo has technical grounds after Munich. The machines land on the Freitag after eight days at the Munich Airport, like a Sprecher der Lufthansa. Since there is irregular regulation in the hydraulic fluid, this will continue. The 292 passengers on the board of the Airbus A350 were connected to another flight.

If you are a country with priority status, a blue light direct debit will be made automatically. Laut einem Tracking verschiedener Flugradar-Anbieter war de Machine über dem Caspischen More Swiss Kasachstan und Aserbaidschan umgekehrt. If there is a technical problem, you can use the Flugzeug on Samstag if you use the Sprecher. It is a classic technical irregularity./osf/DP/mis