
Verfehlt der Bundesrat sein Ziel?

Verfehlt der Bundesrat sein Ziel?

Tausende Ukrainianrinnen und Ukrainians sollen bis Ende Jahr einen Job finden. But no one really wants more than that. Now the Forderungen became lauter, the Schutzstatus S anzupassen.

Such a work: Teilnehmerinnen des Workshops Arbeitco in Basel voor Geflüchtete mit Status S.

Such a work: Teilnehmerinnen des Workshops Arbeitco in Basel voor Geflüchtete mit Status S.

A schmucklose Sitzungszimmer in a Basler Hinterhof. The fan roars, the women of the Ukraine are proud of the summer season. You have seen a Zahlreiche fragment. «So will I have my Ukrainian Zeugnisse bei Bewerbungen auch einreichen? Which websites with couples are valuable? Who finds an end to a job?»

Jenya Lavicka has no idea, Antworten zu geben. It is a selection of the Ukrainian and Leiterin des Angebots «Arbeitco» of the Hilfswerks Heks. Jeden Donnerstagnachmittag who helped Ukrainian and Ukrainian with the way was one of the most common work-related cases and who would make a lot of money. “If we make small chips here, we will make strong copies,” says Lavicka. In the last three months, more than 90 people were interviewed. The program started in the Frühling program, because it is errbsquote zu erhöhen. The financing takes place in Canton Basel-Land.

The re-examinations are rough, as said. The Teilnehmerin Anastasia – improved economy and in Ukraine as manager – there is no more talk of Absagen. If the Schweiz is the Schwerste, it is even a question of tackling the Arbeitsmarkt again, if that is so. “There are no big Schweizer references and studies, which often offer a small chance.”

So we are very welcome in the Praxis. The theory is like this: «Bis Ende 2024 solen 40 Prozent der Schutzsuchenden eine Arbeit haben.» The German Bundesrat defeated Jans Anfang Mai an. Damals lagged behind neither the Erwerbsquote nor 24 Prozent.

And this is all you can expect, the average pace at 27 prosent. 9511 People are between 18 and 64 years of productive work, but since 10 958. Insgesamt besitzen 66 182 People den Status S.

Geht es mit der gleichen Geschwindigkeit weiter, beträgt die Erwerbsquote Ende Jahr nicht wie vom Bundesrat gewünscht 40 Prozent, without bloss 31 Prozent. Damit würde Jans sein Ziel deutlich paintehlen.

“The Schwerste is actually one of the few things that reinvigorates the Labor Market,” says Anastasia.

“The Schwerste is actually one of the few things that reinvigorates the Labor Market,” says Anastasia.

Nur zwei Kantone schwingen obenaus

For Nina Gilgen, there was no question of an overshoot. She is co-chair of the cantonal integration delegation (KID) and is starting a Zweifel and the Bundesrätlichen Vorgabe. “In a discussion about an issue that started with the schluss, 30 percent until the end of 2024 has become a real life commodity for the gesamtschweiz,” said Gilgen. “The Bundesrat wants to achieve a certain goal and take on its more ambitious forms.”

Visit the two small Canton Appenzell Innerrhoden and Obwalden de 40-Prozent-Quote. In Western Switzerland and Ticino, man is associated with the fact that he is Prozent. “Unsere Erfahrungen with others Geflüchteten said, that Integration Zeit braucht – but for good Qualifizierte,” says Gilgen. The persons with the Schutzstatus S will receive an Erwerbsquote von 40 Prozent erreichen sollen, broadspreche of the Schweizer Integrationsagenda after three years: «Diese sieht vor, dass siben nach der Einreise 50 Prozent der Geflüchteten erwerbstätig since.»

An overview among the Cantons is best in Eindruck, that with the Soul of the Bundesrat nobody has a warm world. The hint for holding the hand is 40 percent illusory. Officially man has ended up on another formula: «Ambitioniert», as the Soul, writes several Cantons.

It is worth improving Ukraine’s labor integration. It is the planning for the workers and the workers on the Schutzstatus Stief, that davon ausgeht, that the Geflüchteten innerhalb der Jahresfrist zurückkehren. The current Schutzstatus is only secured until March 2025, with the “Blick” by the Bundesrat Anfang September über a separate Extension.

Zudem mangelt is a betreuungsplätzen for children – a problem for the often mumbling in the Ukrainian diaspora. If you make a statement about a Ukrainian diploma, the Swiss Standards does not come to court.

Ukrainian native Jenya Lavicka, who went on the road in her country key, was one of the most common work-related things. Impressions from the Kursraum of the Witch in Basel.

If the Swiss are informed, he says a July publication in the Landverleich of the German Bundesagentur voor Arbeit. Together with the people of the country, the people of the country, the people of Switzerland, or the Spaniards, have built up the Switzerland in the first months after the Ausbruch des Ukraine-Kriegs “erhebliche Schwierigkeiten bei der Arbeitsmarktintegration”, heisst is therein.

Now that you are in Cantone, it is different. Who has a beet, who has Basel-Land, Jobcoachings and. In Lucerne this sogar was mandatory, the Erwerbsquote clearly erhöht habe. In Kanton Waadt, wed erwerbsquote desolate 13.7 Prozent betträgt, müssen neu all laborlosen Ukrainianrinnen and Ukrainianr zu Einzelgesprächen antraben. Bereits wurden 1420 solche Interviews geführt.

The cantonal functions are now interrupted. But a better coordination would be the job itself. “Arbeitgeber und erwerbsfähige Flüchtlinge finden in borne Fällen nicht zueinander”, heisst es beim Arbeitgeberverband.

Job Posts for Ukrainians

The Bund plans darum, the situation is a different one with a Stellenplattform voor Geflüchtete zu verbessern. Programs are aimed at the Forschenden of the ETH Zurich and the Uni Lausanne. Dem Vernehmen nach dürfte de Website in Betrieb gehen from 2025.

In addition, the Bundesrat Beat Jans appointed Adrian Gerber as Deputy for Labor Market Integration. Gerber took office in July, having been refreshed for a year. There is a quote from 40 that is considered “ambitionary”. The quote is one of the most important signals: “The war of 2022 is political and private commitment to the fighting in Ukraine is gross, now it requires a great effort from everyone.”

Who is a Fussballmatch, is an unimportant Zwischenstand. “The result has now been achieved, and in the following month more massive attempts were made”, Gerber is überzeugt. There are many deals with larger firms going on. “It is a fact that other companies and vacancies have been planted, while Ukrainian and Ukrainian people are recruited directly.”

Jenya Lavicka had the opportunity to make an analysis of the teilnehmerinnen in her lectures in Basel: «Many affected people no longer have a qualification, flexible arbitration can die during the practice and the anvorerungen of other countries. Direct recruitments and more work or temporary jobs can take longer.»

“If we make small chips here, we will make strong copies,” says Jenya Lavicka.

“If we make small chips here, we will make strong copies,” says Jenya Lavicka.

Is the protection status present?

Mastogether his or her – a lot of woolen tie The problem can no longer be solved. Zum Beispiel die Luzerner Mitte-Regierungsrätin Michaela Tschuor, President of the Health and Social Departments. The last time of the Schutzstatus has started with the integration. The work environment can influence the planning security. “We understand that the Federal Government is aware of the protective status of the persons concerned and that there is a willingness to protect their rights.” It is important that the Anzahl Kontingente were erhöht by the Bundesrat.

The study of the study by a study of the Universität Neuenburg is gestützt. Gemäss ditser ist dit unsicherheit für de Arbeitgeber der Hauptgrund, no Ukrainian Flüchtlinge einzustellen. Dies in Positionen, an investment or an auction is carried out.

Through the contonal social sector and the social directors (SODK) a transition to protective status S was achieved: Ukrainian governments that were considered eligible were thus exposed as wandering around in the EU and in status B.

Switzerland must have a new reality, as Sasha Volkov, who supported the Ukrainian Vereins Schweiz, said. “It is a larger part of the war with a war, warfare, mittlerweile quickly set themselves all landsleute, that I know, on a slow Aufenthalt in der Schweiz ein.” If we want to make a new end to the Schutzstatus, Volkov will say it. “The Bundesrat can express its opinion that the Ukrainian and the Ukraine can flourish a longer, progressive view.”

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