
Dschungelcamp: “Frau Siegel” op der Suche nach dem losen Hirn

Dschungelcamp: “Frau Siegel” op der Suche nach dem losen Hirn

David Ortega is from the Dschungelcamp, Elena Miras is coming back. It is not possible to be existentialist by “Frau Siegel”, as Danni Büchner does.

Welcome to the jungle, Tag 3! Look at the first Tag and the Camper David Ortega-los. There is a great “erleuchtete” who is in the kürzester-zeit in his gewütet – or who the ex-Viva moderator Mola Adebisi is in the Lagerfeuer fachmännisch recapitular: “Jeder Jeck is different, but that’s where only a bisschen fell .”

If you have named an elf, then do so on the only Schönling, which is the zwischendrin zum kauzige Waldschrat mutiert. “Ich habe ihn nicht gewählt. Er is iets anders, nun op positive of negative art”, Giulia Siegel insulted überraschend. If there is a punk, then: Where does a regular Dschungelcamp die, then the Zuschauer itself can be performed by the Rüschebart-Rumpelstilzchen another kind of Template for the Dschungelprüfung auserkoren.

But in the summer jungle in South Africa, different rules apply now. The candidates are nominated, a Tag 2 country is as old as Oldie Winfried Glatzeder (79) and Dubai auswanderin Georgina Fleur on the rejection list. The last one is about to be declared as state enemy number 1. Hanka Rackwitz, who is her position. “So it is difficult to operate. One of the ways you can operate the door”, starts with your Wahl. For the former “Bachelor” candidate, then the door is out. “Totally fake!” when Rackwitz says that it is “total.”

Heiße Ware geschmuggelt, aber “nicht kriminell”

Enttäuscht ist auch Schauspieler Winfried (wird von Danni Büchner stoisch “Wilfried” gerufen) Glatzeder, der als Teamchef gerne Hand angelegt hätte bei seinen Untergebenen: “Darf ich sie entkleidingen, nackig machen? Ich wüsste schon, wo man suchen muss”, feixt er . The Candidates can quickly get everything out of the Schmuggelns, the large goods can be confiscated. Gigi has a whole shaft in the Busch bugs and is proud of herself: “That is the Staffel with the most bruchregeln”, raunt there and meint Regelbrüche. Die Frage ist: Were all irgendwie auf a Nenner kommen?

“I took care of all the general well-being with them, I was happy with them”, I was happy with Giulia Siegel over the Dschungelgesetz schwebend. Yes, it is a good idea that there are a number of household products in the Dschungel, namely Brühwürfel, Oregano, Himalaya-Salz, Chili, Umami-Gewürz, Kräutersalz, Tomato-Mozzarella-Gewürz, Kochsalz, fühlt sich moralisch aber vollkommen im Recht. “Es ist nicht kriminell, wenn man others were Gutes tun will!” I think that the cabins are of the versatile devices and the best climate kleber on their page.

Kader Loth determined that he had heard the Gretchenfrage: “Wenn would here with the Flugzeug put an end to the question of whether it could be used in the future?” After a short study of the Schweigesekunde (Pietät!) the Wahl fell on Winfried, denn der “rorbt ja” (Eric Stehfest). Thorsten Legat winks at: “It can not be essential that it is another button”. Sarah Knapp laughs: “Wie heißt nog dieses abgehangene, total teure Fleisch? Dry-Aged!”

During the night, Thorsten Legat and Danni Büchner are no longer able to laugh. Both experience themselves from a childhood with prügelnden Vätern and homely happiness. “If I wanted to be a human being, it was my pleasure,” says the ex-footballer who flies over his face with tears. “Auch für uns war das leader Gottes Normalität”, said the 46-Jährige. In the Dschungelprüfung, the Danni Büchner gemeinsam with Georgina Fleur wuppen muss, Legat Büchner schicken with a kiss. Souverän brings the Duo to Sterne zurück ins Camp.

Dass bei ihrer Rückkehr plötzlich Reality-TV-Krawallnudel Elena Miras am Lagerfeuer sitzt (“Man knows me from the send-offs”) is for the Prüflinge kein Grund zur Freude. Danni and Elena no longer appear and Georgina immediately resigns herself to the self-confident Schweizer in one. “Where are you here? Where are you coming?” let the nor with Fischschleim Georgina de Neue be sprinkled.

Dass Elena, who had played a “Betten-Rotation” vorschlug a while ago, did not pass Georgina. “You should stay longer in the hotel if you made a bet”, the power is in an “Alphaweibchen” -Ansage (Mola Adebisi). Elena Miras is sprachlos – vermutlich zum first Mal in her Reality TV career. Ihr legendärer “Sommerhaus”-Ausspruch “Wo ist die Fairness geblieben, wo?” it is impossible to pass here. But first in the Dschungeltelefon you will find Miras and find out more about what you are saying: “I can’t see this Frau gar nicht ab!”, so that you can see the light and flammable Fleur.

Giulia Siegel lives at Dschungelcamp “intellektueller Austausch”

Miese Mood also with Giulia Siegel. Certain women in camp has a great variety of data, that DJane your Hab und Gut (speech: luxury item) so gladly shares: Here is a cigarette for the languishing Gigi, that is a Packung Puder frei Haus for the fat hair of Georgina. Everything that are natural rules or “Bruchregeln”, with Gigi to speak. “It is not true, who sits on our rules separates”, Danni Büchner straightens up. Sarah Knapp finds an “answer”, that Siegel is a coiner on another rule, also, if he has a problem. Kader Loth motzt: “Giulia can not move criticism.”

“Frau Siegel” (Danni Büchner) has a big greedy thing, as he knows: “I miss the intellectual exit, I’m completely lost here”, says the woman, who in the past years was in fast every trash TV format to see. What man had to know though: She speaks her own languages. And: if you find the woman of the kitchen a little more in the fachkreisen, this can be a phenomenon that produces smoking fetish.

“Manche men get along well when women go out into the world and go along the way,” Siegel erläutert. Also: Durchziehen bis der Arzt (otherwise Beruf) kommt. If you are aware of this fetish and have a fan page, focused on your photos and videos, then this is a sexy way to look. “I am the best at home in Germany”, behauptet Siegel, but also unbearable Bronchitis is not uncommon. Objekt mit ihrer “Manche Leute here sind nur Schall und Rauch für mich” -Einstellung jedoch noch long im Camp hält – abwarten! An Tag 3 should not be missed by anyone.

Transparenzhinweis: Der stern is Teil von RTL Deutschland.