
Landkreis Freising: Der Mittelschule gehen die Lehrer aus – Freising

Landkreis Freising: Der Mittelschule gehen die Lehrer aus – Freising

The Zahlen spoke for itself: If the Lücken was not closed, the current Lehrerbedarfprognosis of the Kulturministeriums until 2034 more than 5000 Vollzeitstellen and the Schools in Bavaria were never announced. The Bayerische Landesverband der Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW) was responsible for the coming Schuljahr Alarm, and Bayerns Mittelschulen were then 820 Lehrkräfte fehlen, heißt es in one press release. Auch im Landkreis Freising is no longer active.

“It is important in all aspects of teaching and learning – for everyone in the general and secondary schools,” said Kerstin Rehm, the District Governor of the Bayerischen Lehrer- und Lehrerinnenverbandes (BLLV). Warn for the excellent Lehrermangel that he is for Langem, said that. As the situation changes and the Grund- und Mittelschulen are being updated, the Schulsystem will be available in Winter 2022.

Der Job als Lehrerin or Lehrer is no longer so credible wie früher – gerade auch an Mittelschulen. “Lehramt Mittelschule will kaum noch jemand studyren, die Zahlen sinken massiv,” said. It is one of the best ways to help the high school – as a gymnasium teacher, a man with the German weniger Unterrichtsstunden earns wesentlich more. Zum others have the Mittelschule inzwischen een schlechtes Image, was Gründe habe.

“I am a high school student since the students and the students are willing to learn, and the middle school days are not without due to the fact that children are not educated,” says Rehm. Kinder met Kriegstraumata-beispielsweise, verhaltensauffällige or solche met Migratieintergrund, die kaum or auch kein Deutsch. “We are prepared for the high migration costs with little strength.” These children bring an intensive commitment to the school, says Rehm.

“The job is a change”

Viele der Lehrkräfte seien am Limit. If you go on holiday in the summer of 2013, you can incur a debt for other people if you have used the Schule Zeit. Enjoy a few moments, says Rehm. „Der Job, von Lehrkräften gefordert wird, ist een Zumutung.“ That is fuhre in an absolute Überforderung. “If we focus naturally, no one will have such a robbery – if we want to make that herausforderung.” The district will proceed in such a way that the Mittelschule ohne de Einsatz of the Grundschullehrkräften is no longer livingly true.

It is still not the case that such a Piazolo package with notifications works, with the rise of the sabbatical models and the massive einschränkung of time for the spending of time, which does not last 18 years. The attractiveness of the berufs has enormous consequences, concrete Rehm. Of the politics the catastrophe was caused, but the trade was not. “Everything you think, the debts make you do it. ” The moment someone feels more comfortable, the Grund- or Mittelschullehrer will become, says Rehm.

Früher habe der Beruf noch Freude gemacht – auch Rehm hat selber velde Jahre lang in Grundschulen unterrichtet. Once the years of decline have begun, the classes become larger and more heterogeneous. If you spend more time caring for your work and delegating your time, you will never be able to do more. The Schulsystem was systematically destroyed. “If you are not a politician, you are not going to be passionate about the quality of your society, but without the children you will also be able to learn more about the information we can provide you with.”

Personal planning has become a redevelopment

38 state-owned and secondary schools are located in the Freising district, which are not completely private, for these schools are also the subject of personal aber not sister, according to the school director Sigrid Heck. 29 of the national debts and Grundschulen, new Mittelschulen. Bereits im Vergangen Schuljahr muststen Grundschullehrkräfte auch studenweise and Mittelschulen unterrichten, weil dort Lehrer fehlten. Anders had no intention of going. The personal planning for the coming Schuljahr has never been so 100 Prozent abgeschlossen, reportset Heck. When my kommenden became Schuljahr, he became in the vergleichbaren Umfang wieder so sein.

“Wir versuchen, das voor allem en de Vollschulen zu practizieren,” said Heck. It is a debt with the general and medium debts, a position and with a feeling of guilt. These approaches for the Grundschule a small Plus and an unfocused study, can the Leitung dann freely entscheiden kann – if not, can then a Grundschulehrkraft auch stundenweise a der Mittelschule not focus.

I think your personal plan has become a greater recovery, said Heck. All debts settled with the proper Lehrkräften bedarfsrecht, became more and more efficient. Aber das wieder gelingen: “Before your class is a Lehrer – or a Lehrerin – stehen.”